
A whole family disguises itself as the Avengers for Halloween and they are absolutely perfect

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One family has decided to dress up as ‘The Avengers’ in full: the mother and father appear in very realistic costumes of Captain America and Black Widow, while the four little ones chose the adorable dresses of Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Thor and Hulk. All the characters have been part of the last battle against Thanos in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ and we are sure that even the villain himself could not resist this lovely picture, which you can see below:

Interestingly, one of the members of the Marvel patrol that does not appear in the family photograph or in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is Hawkeye. The character of Jeremy Renner has disappeared since ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and many fans wonder if we will see him again. Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios since 2007, has clarified, according to Comic Book, that Hawk’s Eye will come back and will have an important role in ‘Avengers 4’: “In Marvel we adore Hawkeye, there are many stories to come for him. Jeremy Renner is as strong an actor as any of the other members of the MCU and he is wonderful in his character. ”

Feige also made reference to the constant jokes that the followers made about “the superhero of the bow and arrows” and the curious thing is that now they ask for his return: “I love that people have gone from” Oh, Hawkeye is lucky from being an Avenger »to« Where is it? What’s going to happen to him? We need him, We want more Hawkeye. »I love it, it’s the best.

Other ideas for Halloween

There is no doubt that the UCM characters will be some of the options we will see the most on the night of October 31, but they will not be the only ones.

As we already informed, there are other costumes based on the latest film and seriéfilos phenomena with which you can triumph and terrorize, at the same time: Michael Myers, ‘Slender Man’, ‘Predator’, ‘The Nun’, ‘The Creepy Adventures’ of Sabrina ‘… And even Thanos, whose click will surely be one of the protagonists of this Halloween.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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