WhatsApp is changing its interface every day. A few days ago, elements such as the platform’s color change alerted millions of users, as well as the announcement that the application’s design will be completely renewed soon. However, several noted that information about a group’s creation date had disappeared without anyone noticing. Do you want to know how to get it back? Continue reading this note.
The reason for the Facebook company specializing in instant messaging to carry out this modification remains unclear. The truth is that its test version, WhatsApp Beta, is consuming the energies of the app developers, since many of the changes that the original WhatsApp undergoes have to do with the projections for its most modern version.
How to see group chat details on WhatsApp?
In fact, to carry out this trick, you will need to have the beta version of WhatsApp for Android downloaded and ready to use on your mobile device. As you may already suppose, this shortcut will only work on cell phones with an Android operating system.
If you don’t remember, the groups feature in WhatsApp , which dates back to 2011 in the app, required at least two contacts to be added. The information panel read the name of the contact who owns the group chat and the date.
- The first thing you should do is make sure you have the beta version that we talked about in previous lines. You have to install the latest beta version of WhatsApp. Just enter this link from your Android and press the option to become a verifier.
- Press the option you can download it on Google Play and download it from the Play Store once it opens.
- When you have it correctly installed, open your new WhatsApp Beta and go to one of your group chats.
- Inside the group, look for the dashboard to find out who created the chat and when. Ready!
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