
How To Make An Interesting Profile On A Page To Meet People Online

Tips to make your description more sexy in Meetic or Match

dating profile examples from apps
dating profile examples from apps

We talked about how to select an interesting profile on a page to meet people online. That is: how to search, what to discard or what features indicate that it may be a toxic man .

But, have you stopped to think what you offer and if your profile is attractive? If you want to be successful with online dating, take some time.

Creating your own profile is an opportunity to meet someone special, and also to define what you want in a couple and what you expect from love.

Something that is not so easy! However, filling in all the sections and answering the questions of the system will help you to do self-examination and have clear ideas.

What kind of man do you want to meet?

First, think about what kind of man you would like to attract and write your profile with your goal in mind. It’s your description, so do not hesitate to ask for exactly what you want. Consider: what kind of man are you looking for, what do you like in them, what is negotiable and what is not. For example, that the guy has no job or has been married several times. Also add your own rules, such as making it clear that you will not answer profiles without a photo. And fulfill it.

In this way you create a filter that will help you not waste your time. Yes, it can be flattering to see you inundated with messages … at first. Afterwards you will not find time or desire to answer them all. Moreover, if you type types that do not agree with what you want, you will feel frustrated and think that you will never find what you are looking for.

That is why you will save time and energy if you abide by your own rules. With a clear description of what you are looking for, you will avoid being written by people who do not interest you.

What to put in your profile

Concentrate on making all aspects of what you notice when you visit another user’s profile attractive.
Your photographs

· One where you leave favored is enough, although you can put some more. But do not put too many. Men are visual, but also curious by nature: one or two photos will be enough to awaken their desire for more.

· That it be current, favorable but realistic. In the image you must appear alone.

· Do not look cool or body scandal in bikini or poses in front of a famous site … These are all tricks of the ego to be sexy. Paradoxically, what you will transmit is an image of a frivolous and insecure woman.

Your description

· Always, positive Talk about your virtues, your tastes, what you do … as far as you feel comfortable.

· Mention your hobbies or what else you like to do if it is important for you that the man of your life understands them or shares them.

· You do not have to say where you work, if you are divorced or anything else if you do not want to or feel uncomfortable (such as weight or height). However, do not fall into the typical feminine error of modest sin or criticizing yourself. Think about how highly insecure and manipulable you will seem to those who read your messages if you put something like “physically I am very little thing”.

What you are looking for

· Take the opportunity and get to the point. Explain what you are looking for in a man, in general terms. Mention everything that is important to you. For example, you are not interested in men with children (do not worry about being too rigid, because you can always make an exception at any given time).

· Avoid sarcasm. It is a very unattractive behavior in any person, but especially antisexy for them. It reminds them of the grumpy girlfriend or complaining mother-in-law.

· Also avoid shyness, submission, excessive humility. If you fall into that, they will not respect you as an equal.

· Stay away from negativity, being back, resentment with men … They will not forgive you either. They will tell you that if you hate men so much, what do you do on a page like this? Or worse, you will attract another bitter and resentful person.

What to put in the emails

Once your profile is online, you will surely receive many emails because automatically you will appear as a new or highlighted profile (in some pages you can choose this option). The most elegant thing is that you answer everyone. You can write a message-template to thank those who do not like your attention and wish them luck with other girls. They will capture the message and you will not accumulate negativity.

Watch what you put in the messages because it is the first form of contact. Once again, you decide if you feel comfortable writing to them or prefer to talk on the phone, and what is the time to take another step and have the first appointment. But that’s another story!

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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