
The benefits of having cosmetic surgery in times of COVID

cosmetic surgery
cosmetic surgery

We are not going to deny it, COVID has disrupted our lives and has changed many things in our day-to-day and our usual routines. As far as cosmetic surgeries are concerned, they could not be different.

After a few months in which the world was paralyzed, it seems that little by little life is returning to the long-awaited normality (with some exceptions) and today, we want to talk about some benefits that this virus has brought to our lives, especially if you are considering cosmetic surgery. Because yes, even in the most complicated moments you can see the positive side if you put your mind to it.

Cosmetic surgeries are on the rise

According to experts, after confinement, the number of plastic surgeries has increased notably and, consequently, consultations in cosmetic clinics about operations to improve the image, as well. Some of the surgeries that have increased in demand have been rhinoplasties and blepharoplasties. This is due to several factors that we will detail below.

More time to reflect

The fact of being locked up at home for so long has caused many people to rethink their lives and their priorities. People who perhaps had surgery in mind but did not dare to take the step for various reasons, after confinement and after having thought about it a lot, have found the little push they needed to take the definitive step and improve what was creating a complex or that did not let them feel 100% at ease.

Video calls at all hours

They have been the absolute protagonists during these times and they will continue to be. Work meetings have become Skype, Zoom or Google meet, and even visits to the doctor. This has led to each time we are on a call we pay more attention to some aspects of our face and perhaps, we encourage ourselves to improve it. The same has happened with the family, not being able to meet, the video calls have been the daily bread to be able to see ours.

Another positive point of this new trend? Some surgeons have chosen to make online visits (video consultations ) so that the patient does not have to travel and also is safer on both sides.

The importance of gaze

With the mask, the eyes have become the absolute protagonists of the face, with which many people have chosen to rejuvenate their gaze once and for all. In times when we even have to smile with our eyes, treatments such as eyebrow microblading, blepharoplasty, or botox in the browbones, forehead, and crow’s feet, have also noticed an increase in their demand.

We spend more time at home

Either by teleworking or by the obligation to reduce our social life, we are much more at home. This implies that, for example, after cosmetic surgery, we will be able to recover more calmly and, working from home, perhaps fewer days off are necessary as we do not have to travel to the workplace and make extra efforts such as going up and down stairs, drive, etc.

Possibly, we have saved more money

Although today we can buy everything from our mobile phones in one click and without leaving home, the fact of not being able to go out to dinner with our friends or partner or go on vacation has favored some people to save more during these times. Others have had to cancel trips or other plans so this break can also be a good reason to invest this money in a cosmetic surgery operation.

The mask can be a good ally

We all know how annoying it is to go out with a mask and what it can overwhelm us to have to wear it for a long time, now, in the case of rhinoplasty, for example, it can be a good way to go for a walk or to buy and that nobody noticed that we are going through a postoperative period. On our website, users often ask us if the mask could affect the results of rhinoplasty or a rhinoseptoplasty. We have asked several plastic surgeons at Multiestetica and they have told us the following:

  • The mask itself should not affect the results of rhinoplasty or postoperative edema, although, in the first few days, it can be annoying, and even more so if you have to wear it for many hours at a time.
  • All masks touch the nose something and can cause friction or pressure in the area, so it is ideal to try different models and use the one that least bothers you.
  • By wearing the mask, a microclimate is created since the skin does not perspire the same. This could lead to bacterial overgrowth and therefore infection. If you cannot work from home during this period, try to take extreme hygiene in the area.
  • It is recommended not to squeeze the nasal dorsum when using the mask as it could leave a mark of postoperative edema. Still, it should be noted that should this happen, it is entirely temporary and temporary.

Finally, if you are thinking of having surgery soon, from Multiestetica we recommend asking the clinic about everything related to COVID, such as:

  • Will I have to have a PCR before surgery?
  • If I have had the vaccine, can surgery have any effect?
  • If I have already passed the coronavirus, can surgery be contraindicated?

What do you think?

Written by Christina d'souza

Proofreader, editor, journalist. I have been doing my favourite thing for more than six years.


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