
Recipes for cooking during a coronavirus quarantine

Given the risk of a possible coronavirus quarantine, these are the best recipes for cooking with ingredients and non-perishable foods.

Recipes for cooking during a coronavirus quarantine
Recipes for cooking during a coronavirus quarantine

The coronavirus crisis is affecting different areas of our lives. Italy isolates 16 million people to try to contain the spread of the virus, and the numbers of those affected and deceased ten days ago were the same as they are in Spain today.

Given the risk that this same isolation here  avoid saturation of hospitals,we have prepared a recipe guide with non-perishable ingredients and food so that you can cook during a possible coronavirus quarantine.

If we are going to have to stay at home with closed businesses and shops, that we can at least do it by eating well.

First, fill the pantry properly

And it is that if we are not going to be able to leave the house for a few weeks or it is the case that the shops have to close, we have to have a lot of wisdom when buying the supplies and for that we have left you a few tips explaining what are the best foods we can choose to quarantine while still eating well.

And so you can see that with a good pantry fund you can cook very delicious things without having to shop frequently, we propose a series of recipes with which you are going to suck your fingers

Potatoes, boats of cooked vegetables and sausages are some of the foods that last us time without spoiling, with them you can prepare spoon dishes like this fake fast fabada , comforting as it alone. If you prefer a version made with dried pulses, you can also take a look at this slow-cooker bean stew .

Along the same lines, these chickpea curries made with canned chickpeas are a true vice. If you accompany them with white rice, you have the mixture of legume + cereal, which contains proteins of high biological value so they would serve you for a complete meal. If you prefer dried chickpeas because you can no longer live without the CrockPot, you can also make them by following this Chana Masala chickpea recipe .

The pasta with egg and sausage is also a handy recipe because we can prepare a sauce with onion, piquillo peppers and roast the crushed tomatoes scrumptious. Another option that gives a lot of play is to change the chorizo ​​for tuna , another classic of pasta as a single dish.

We are in Lent, but the coronavirus quarantine is no reason to forget the classic chickpea stew , which we can do in an ultrafast version with salt-frozen cod, frozen spinach and canned chickpeas. And best of all, done in the microwave.

With some cans of natural mussels, which contain a large amount of protein, we can prepare a delicious mussel risotto .

Although the quarantine may force us to do without some fresh foods, especially fruits, that will not prevent us from being able to prepare healthy dishes such as this recipe for peppers stuffed with quinoa .

With bacon, ham or a little chorizo, these green beans with potatoes and egg are a unique dish of the most help, because in the absence of fresh beans we can do it with canned green beans. The only difference is that, in this case, what we will do is put the well-drained beans in the pot of potatoes when they are ready and we will leave them only a couple of minutes to warm up.

Another recipe for risotto, in this case of Iberian ham that can be made with frozen wild asparagus and that is pure tasty.

Those with a sweet tooth do not have to give up dessert and, for them, this oat milk rice that can be a delicious snack.

Dried chickpeas and lentils are ideal legumes for preparing falafel, small burgers of Lebanese origin that are best known here for their presence on Turkish restaurant menus, and which are a delight for a snack dinner.

Bread is going to be one of the great absentees during the quarantine, but its lack will be better if we prepare from time to time when some wheat or corn tortillas will be used to prepare us.

And if you want something with more crumbs, don’t miss the recipe for English muffins , some rolls so easy and quick to make that they are made in a pan, you don’t even need an oven.

If hot days come in early spring, this green bean salad is made in no time.

Any cooked legume, from chickpeas to peas, can be used to prepare delicious hummus , which with English muffins or even with a few slices of toast can be a luxury snack.

The rice with cod is another classic Easter that do not have to lose if quarantine.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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