
Instagram launches Nametag to follow you on the fly

Instagram launches Nametag to follow you on the fly
Instagram launches Nametag to follow you on the fly

Like on Snapchat, Twitter or Facebook also on the video photo graphic app comes the shortcut to be scanned to another contact to connect in real time, avoiding the search of the account name

Instagram goes back to copy Snapchat. And it launches a small but interesting novelty: it’s called Nametag, a sort of badge or sticker within the app that can be scanned by another user to quickly connect, without having to communicate their account (often complicated) or having to force it to carry out research and to dig into the social network. On the app of the ghost is called Snapchat QR instead.
To find your Nametag you need to access your profile on the app. From the main screen click on “burger menu” at the top right and look for the related item. Clicking on it will display the code, which you can customize for the background with emoji, photo or sticker made with your face. Just undergo a friend who will scan it through the command below, “Scan a nametag”, obviously useful even when you want to perform the opposite action. That is to connect on the fly with someone through Nametag. A bit like a digital business card tied only to the app controlled by Facebook.

Pressing the upper right corner of the Nametag is exportable, so you can move it anywhere and it will work as a digital shortcut to your Instagram profile. In contrast to Snapchat, the account name remains clear in this case. In fact, even users of Twitter and Facebook can generate QR codes to shorten distances with others, making them scanned. Spotify does the same for music tracks. Available on iOS and Android, Nametag is being distributed all over the world.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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