For some time it is possible to make calls between people belonging to the same group on WhatsApp. In case you did not know, then we’ll explain how to do it.
The first thing you have to do to use this method to make group calls is to enter the group whose members you want to call. It can be a group already created or a new one.
For some time it is possible to make calls between people belonging to the same group on WhatsApp. In case you did not know, then we’ll explain how to do it.
The first thing you have to do to use this method to make group calls is to enter the group whose members you want to call. It can be a group already created or a new one.
Call button
Once inside the group, click on the phone icon that you have at the top of the group conversation.
Choose your contacts
You will be presented with a menu in which all the connections that are part of the group you are in will appear. What you have to do is press the people you want to add to the call you are going to make. Just go by clicking on their names, and you will see that they are attached to a list from which you can also delete them.
Choose your option
Next, to the right of the list, you will see the two call options. Click on the icons of the camera or the phone depending on whether you want a video call or voice call between all the members.
Once you click on one of the two options, the call will start. Keep in mind that the limit of participants in a group call is four people, so you can only add three others to the request.
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