
Anti-acne treatment: What Is It, | Risks, Results, Options and Cost

0000s 0001 Anti acne treatment with phototherapy
0000s 0001 Anti acne treatment with phototherapy


Acne is an inflammatory disease that causes pimples or blackheads to appear on the skinThese develop when the hair follicles under the skin are covered or closed by so-called blackheads or pimples. Although they occur mainly on the face and forehead, they can also form in different parts of the body, such as the chest, upper back, and shoulders.

It can occur at any age, but 80% of those affected are adolescents between 13 and 18. Although acne is normal, it may develop excessively and be associated with a skin condition. Although it is not a severe health problem, it can cause emotional distress and leave scars. It is important to note that there are currently very effective treatments to control this problem.

What is acne treatment?

The main basis of treatment for active acne is based on reducing the production of the skin oil, increasing cell turnoverreducingce inflammation, and fifightingacterial infections that may occur. The type of drug to be used will depend on the age of the patient and the type present. Medications can have a topical use, that is, skin creams are applied and, in some cases, it will be necessary to combine them with oral pills. It is important to note that pregnant women may experience an increase in their appearance during the nine months, but they cannot take oral medications to treat this problem, as they can cause problems during pregnancy.

Also, acne can leave scars on the skin. These scars can be divided into three categories:

  1. Atrophic scars
  2. Hypertrophic scars
  3. Keloid scars

To eliminate these scars you can resort to treatments such as peeling, radiofrequency or fractional laser.

Who can get acne?

The cause is due to abnormal sebum production (hyper seborrhea) or hyperkeratosis, or the formation of a plug in the upper part of the follicle, which makes it difficult to remove sebum and promotes the appearance of blackheads. The whites (called comedones), or may be due to bacterial inflammation of the follicles.

All people affected in some way by this aesthetic problem can be evaluated by specialized doctors, without age limitations or special contraindications. As mentioned above, the patients will be primarily adolescents, but in many cases even adults. It is important to underline that treatment can be started early, that is, before serious lesions or sequelae and permanent signs appear on the skin. For this reason, we recommend that patients consult a specialist on time and carry out frequent check-ups to follow up on the case, even after starting the treatment process.

According to the Pradillo Clinic, acne can appear for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Following a poor diet
  • Using wrong creams and products
  • Certain medications
  • Excess hair
  • Touching the affected areas with dirty hands.
  • Stress
  • Drink alcohol

How do I find my doctor?

Mild and moderate acne can be treated by a general practitioner if the patient already has one. Once the evaluation is done and the appropriate treatment is started, the results should start to appear. If it persists, it is advisable to go to a dermatologist.

Medical dermatologists are prepared to treat all types, from the mildest to the most serious, as well as those that do not respond to usual treatment. If necessary, the specialist may also recommend associating more treatments to alleviate the injuries and permanent signs that have developed.

What happens during the first consultation?

The doctor will evaluate the patient, gather information about his medical history, and determine the root cause of the problem. Afterward, he will examine which areas of the body are affected and determine whether the inflammation is associated or not. Finally, he will assess whether the injuries are mild, moderate, or severe.

Once the doctor has determined the severity of the problem, he will decide what treatment the patient should follow. This can consist of the use of topical creams or it can be done in combination with an oral medication.

It is important to note that the doctor will generally also take into account the emotional impact that acne can have on the patient. When this problem is severe, it can cause social isolation and low self-esteem. Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venerology (AEDV) also suggests that doctors ask patients about the effects on daily life that this problem can generate. The physician must evaluate the patient’s feelings. That is, when this problem is severe it can cause social isolation and low self-esteem. So in some cases, it will be important and necessary to recommend psychological care to help the patient feel better about himself. Therefore, the patient needs to be honest about their feelings.

Recommendations to avoid acne

Next, we are going to detail some general recommendations of the Merk manual for patients suffering from acne and who are undergoing treatment:

  • Wash your face with mild soap once or twice a day
  • Avoid irritants such as antibacterial or abrasive soaps, alcohol-soaked pads, and frequent friction
  • The cosmetics used should not be made from an oily base, as oily products can aggravate the condition.
  • It is recommended to maintain a balanced diet.

In addition, in the case of women, Face & Go specialists recommend following these guidelines when applying makeup:

  • Correctly wash your brushes once a week at least
  • Clean your makeup sponge and change it often
  • Comb your hair before applying makeup
  • Avoid makeup that contains fragrances

How is the anti-acne treatment done?

As Mayo Clinic specialists explain, the drugs used for treatment and systemic therapy may be different. It will be up to your doctor or dermatologist to determine which of these will be the most appropriate for you.

Topical medications applied to the skin and used for acne care include:

  • Retinoids and retinoid-like medications: when administered in cream or gel, these are derived from vitamin A. Initially, they are applied up to three times a day, and then only once a day. Its main function is not to obstruct the hair follicles.
  • Antibiotics: kills excess bacteria on the skin and reduce redness. They can be combined with retinoids and are generally applied in the morning and evening.
  • Salicylic acid and azelaic acid: They have antibiotic properties. Creams containing 20% azelaic acid appear to be as effective as many conventional acne treatments, particularly when used twice a day for about 4 weeks.
  • Dapsone: This drug is especially recommended for inflammatory acne in adult women. It can be applied twice a day.
  • Combined Oral Contraceptives: For the treatment of acne in women who want to use this contraceptive method, the Food and Drug Administration has approved four combined oral contraceptives. The effect of these drugs takes a few months to show up.
  • Anti-androgen agents: Spironolactone reduces acne by blocking the effect of androgen hormones in the sebaceous glands, especially in adolescent women.
  • Isotretinoin: Isotretinoin is a very powerful medicine used when acne does not respond to other treatments. Although it is very effective, its side effects must be closely monitored by the doctor. It can cause depression, gastric disorders, or abnormalities in pregnancy. Female patients must use two methods of contraception when taking this medicine.


Although several reasons lead to this problem in the skin, the treatments that currently exist are very effective in controlling each of these factors that cause acne. In general, adolescent acne shrinks spontaneously between the ages of 20 and 25, but young people who received treatment during adolescence will have a better skin appearance.

It is important to bear in mind that the results of the treatment begin to be noticeable after 4-8 weeks and it is possible that in some cases the skin initially worsens and then begins to improve progressively. In many cases, the patient will have to continue the treatment for months, even years, because the problem disappears completely. To carry out the treatment successfully, therefore, it will be necessary for the patient to arm himself with perseverance and patience.

Another aspect to take into account when evaluating the results is that the patient will also improve their self-esteem, as well as the symptoms of anxiety and depression that could be associated with the discomfort experienced. Therefore, the treatment will represent a major change in the life of the person who follows it.

Possible side effects and risks

The associated side effects will depend on the type of drug used in the patient. That is why it is important to contact a specialist and not use home treatments. The doctor will be able to explain to the patient the consequences and precautions to be taken during treatment and the correct dosage of the prescribed drug.

Medications, depending on the case, can cause redness and dryness of the skin. Antibiotics are taken by mouth, such as tetracycline, cause tenderness and redness if the patient is exposed to the sun and it is important to protect yourself properly while taking this drug. Also, antibiotics can cause stomach problems if they are to be used for a long time.

Oral contraceptives can cause weight gain, tight breasts, and nausea
. Some medications can also cause breast tenderness and painful menstrual periods. Finally, a less common side effect is depressive symptoms; and in pregnant women, it can cause serious birth defects in the fetus.

Frequently asked questions

  • How many sessions will I need to eliminate acne? It depends on the extent of the problem and the type of method used.
  • Can acne marks be removed? Scars can be treated with different technologies and preferably with synergistic protocols: peeling, plasma treatments, Placer, radio frequency, laser. Several treatments are required, performed at regular intervals to allow the skin to regenerate.
  • Can I follow drug therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding? Virtually all drugs used to cure acne are contraindicated. You should contact a referring dermatologist.
  • I take the contraceptive pill to regulate acne. When will I see the first results? The improvements with the pill are after at least 3-4 months of use.
  • What nutrition to follow so as not to promote acne? A diet with a low glycemic index, avoiding simple carbohydrates (pasta and white bread, sweets, alcohol), reducing milk and dairy products and saturated fat.
  • I suffer from acne, what treatment should I do? a face-to-face consultation with a dermatologist; but his problem could be solved with an azelaic acid peel and a retinol seal.
    In addition, and depending on how it evolves, you can opt for a slightly more powerful treatment with pyruvic acid or trichloroacetic acid
  • Why do I get acne on my back? one of the areas where acne can appear in the back, where there are also sebaceous glands, acne begins to reactivate in the decade of the 30s. The treatments are varied, you can go to your treating doctor and request an evaluation, depending on your type of acne and the doctor’s way of working. I use the peels a lot in the protocol, and we examine the daily diet.
  • When is the CO2 laser for deep acne marks noticeable

I recommend Endocare oil free ampoules. Several times a day until recovery

On the other hand, the results are seen after 4-6 months of the sessions and depending on the degree of depth of the lesions
remain at your orders

What do you think?

Written by Christina d'souza

Proofreader, editor, journalist. I have been doing my favourite thing for more than six years.


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