
Do You Know Who are the most powerful dragons of “Song of Ice and Fire”?

Dragons are basically a nuclear weapon in the universe of “Song of Ice and Fire” created by George R.R. Martin.


Do You Know Who are the most powerful dragons of "Song of Ice and Fire"?

Sunfiyre the Golden, the dragon of Aegon II, may have been the most beautiful dragon that has ever flown over the skies of Westeros, or even the fantastic universe as a whole. Sunfiyre is another dragon of the Dance of the Dragons.

I put it here mainly because of what happened after the dragon Vhagar saved him from an attack by Meleys, the dragon ridden by Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Severely injured by that encounter, Sunfiyre was still able to kill three pickets of human attackers, the bravest of Walys Mooton and the wild dragon Gray Ghost. Later, still injured.

Sunfiyre also killed the dragon Moondancer. Later still, Aegon II caused Sunfyre to kill Rhaenyra Targaryen, the leader of the Fuegoscuro, one of the sides of Targaryen’s civil war.

When considering the Dance of Dragons, the Green in general are considered as “the bad guys”, so that does not diminish what Sunfyre could do. He survived many fights and killed many enemies. If he had lived longer, he may have become much stronger, but that was not the case. Wounded so badly that he could no longer fly, Sunfyre refused to eat and eventually died. There may be dirty play there, but that is a story for another day.


Do You Know Who are the most powerful dragons of "Song of Ice and Fire"?

Vermithor, known as the Bronze Fury, had two riders of an enormously different reputation: King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, known as the Consiliador, and the usurper and would-be usurper Hugh Hammer, a blacksmith bastard and a “dragon seed” who rode it during the Dance of Dragons.

At one point during that conflict, Vermithor was the greatest and oldest living dragon. Hugh Hammer, hallucinated by this fact, declared himself a king, but failed. He was killed while hurrying, riding Vermithor by a host led by Addam Velaryon. Vermithor, who was half asleep during the first moments of the attack, woke up to find his dead rider, became enraged and killed the knights right and left before the real fight began, the one between Vermithor and the Seasmoke dragons and Tessarion

Vermithor came out alive from the battle, with Tessarion’s severed head between his jaws, but he was exhausted and wounded. He tried to flee but collapsed and died. Vermithor fought with two dragons, killed them both, and almost managed to get out of the battle alive, which is enough reason for him to be so high on the list.

According to legend, Silverwing, Vermithor’s mate, landed next to him and tried to help him get up while lying dying, another example of dragons that show an almost human side to them.

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The Cannibal

Do You Know Who are the most powerful dragons of "Song of Ice and Fire"?

Well, a lot of this entry is based on conjecture. The Cannibal was never mounted, let alone mounted in battle, and never fought another dragon unless you counted the offspring in which it was known to feast, which gave it its name. None of our usual tools can be used here.

So, why is the Cannibal so qualified? In three things:

1) Nobody managed to tame him, and his lair at Dragonstone was riddled with the bones of those foolish enough to try. At the time of Dance of the Dragons, nobody bothered to try it.

2) He was bigger and stronger than Sheepstealer and Sheepstealer seems to have feared him. After Sheepstealer tore the arm of Silver Denys, The smató and ate the man (and his children) without Sheepstealer interfere.

3) When Sunfyre killed Gray Ghost upon returning to Dragonstone, he left Cannibal alone. The Cannibal finally survived the Dance of the Dragons, one of the only four dragons left in Weesteros. The Cannibal may also have been one of the two dragons on this list not bred by the Targaryens (the other is Terrax), and the only one after the fall of the Valyrian empire. Technically, The Cannibal could still be alive, but being significantly larger than Sheepstealer, the chances are not great.


Do You Know Who are the most powerful dragons of "Song of Ice and Fire"?

Vhagar is better known as the dragon mounted by Visenya Targaryen, one of the sisters of Aegon the Conqueror. Later, years after the death of Visenya, Laena Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen mounted her during the Dance of the Dragons.
Vhagar was the greatest dragon that participated in that war. He probably would have been on the Fuegoscuro side if Laena had not died from the complications of childbirth before the war began, and had not killed Prince Daemon Targaryen and his dragon, Laena’s widower.

Before that, Vhagar killed both Meleys and Sunfire, but his greatest feat took place much earlier. Vhagar stood out not so much in killing other dragons, but in destroying ships, killing men and attacking castles without herself being killed, as Meraxes did.

She destroyed Arryn’s fleet, which had defeated Targaryen’s fleet, participated in the Field of Fire, avenged Rhaenys and Meraxes during the first Dornish War and played an important role in quelling the uprising of the Militant Faith during the reign of Maegor the Cruel.

Vhagar is also the dragon that took the Eyrie, without strength, and would have destroyed the Starry Sept if Visenya had gotten away with it. Vhagar was not a joke. But in the end, all (men) dragons must die.

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What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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