
This Halloween decoration inspired by that scene of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ will traumatize you

Tom Holland as Spider Man and Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man in Avengers Infinity War
Tom Holland as Spider Man and Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man in Avengers Infinity War

Thanos’ crack was devastating, to the point of being terrifying for some of the most dedicated fans of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. Therefore, it is not expected to be one of the favorite Halloween themes for this year. At the time of the trick or treat party, in the United States a man has not hesitated to represent with pumpkins one of the hardest moments of the film.

Infinity War

Just when half the universe was fading, there was someone who clung to life in the arms of his mentor. Our neighbor and friend Spider-Man said goodbye to Tony Stark apologizing for not having beaten the crazy titan, while his body was reduced to ashes. This is the key scene that the friend of a twittera from Seattle has managed to recreate to perfection, and that is bringing bad memories to all the viewers of ‘Infinity War’ affected by the moment:

“Some friends decorate their house for Halloween every year, this is not right.”

The reactions have not been slow to appear, although not all praise the ingenuity of the author. The jokes alternate with complaints to remind them one of the most traumatic moments of the film.

“Mr. Stark, I do not find myself very pumpkin”


“Wow, it’s great and sad in equal parts, an INCREDIBLE job, although I hope it does not come with a strong wind and sends half of Spider-Man away”
Thanos, the other star of the pumpkin

Although the garden also included another sculpture based on Thanos pumpkins against Captain America, it is not the best one that has been seen. The villain’s fans have wanted to represent him in their Halloween pumpkins, in a very artistic way.

“My Thanos and Ultron pumpkins this year!”

“Fun is not something you consider when you carve pumpkins, but this … This really makes me smile.”

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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