
Surprising Benefits & Facts of Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinager
apple cider vinager

From being merely your grandma’s secret remedy to cure a myriad range of health problems, Vinegar- in particular, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has definitely come a long way. With its earliest known use dating back more than 1000 years, Vinegar is resurging. More and more health experts are coming out in support of ACV and backing their claims through researches.

Right from curing hiccups to dealing with weight issues, the list of apple cider vinegar benefits is long. Let’s have a look over some of these benefits.

  • Weight Loss: Given that vinegar can bring down sugar and insulin levels, it probably makes sense why many researchers have proved it to be helpful in weight loss. It increases the feeling of fullness, resulting in lesser food intake.
  • Cures hiccups: Often considered as a minor inconvenience, in some cases, hiccups can even affect your daily routine. A teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar can give you immediate relief from hiccups.
  • Boost energy: Working out and stress can lead to building up of lactic acid, resulting in fatigue. You can take apple cider vinegar as an antidote to boost your energy levels.
  • Cure tummy problems: If you’ve been suffering from a bacterial infection, which has resulted in diarrhea, then you should consider sipping apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water. Though it’s still in contention, but some supporters of ACV also claim that it helps in soothing intestinal spasms.
  • Skin & Hair health: Apple cider vinegar can help in stepping up your beauty routine. It prevents acne and ensures that your nail polish lasts longer, but that’s merely tip of the iceberg. This natural remedy also tightens and tones your skin, acts as a dandruff treatment, offers sunburn relief, soothes skin, and heals bruises.

How to consume apple cider vinegar?

After going through the above-mentioned list of benefits, you would be definitely interested to know the best method to consume ACV. Drinking apple cider vinegar in water is the most commonly used method of consumption. You can either drink it 15 minutes before every meal or mix it in salads as an alternative method of consumption.

Surprising Benefits & Facts of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: Myths vs. Facts

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, is believed to have first prescribed the usage of vinegar for treating various illnesses. Today, ACV has resurged and people are jumping the gun and believing everything told about it on the Internet. Let us find out some myths and facts about ACV.

  • Myth: Apple cider vinegar is often touted as some sort of a panacea by its supporters. Some people claim that it can help in boosting cardiovascular health. Over the years, studies have surfaced claiming that ACV can reduce blood pressure and bring down cholesterol levels.

Fact: Most of these studies were performed on mice models and are yet to be tested on humans.

  • Myth: There are innumerable studies available on the Internet claiming ACV’s ability to deal with cancer. Some studies even show anti-cancer ability of rice vinegar in laboratory setting.

Fact: There’s hardly any full-proof research on apple cider vinegar’s ability to treat cancer.

Given the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, its popularity is only going to rise in the coming years. In order to maintain a healthy life, you should consider taking it on a regular basis before every meal.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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