
Do you believe in the existence of Covid-19? SLP Hospital offers COVID-TOUR

Secretary of Health of the state of San Luis Potosí offers guided tours of covid hospitals for those who question the existence of the disease

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San Luis Potosí.- Faced with the increase in Covid-19 infections in San Luis Potosí, Health Secretary Miguel Ángel Lutzow Steiner offered COVID-TOUR , guided tours of covid hospitals for people who deny the existence of this disease or the underestimate.

“We invited them to the hospitals, we put together a tour for them to see how people are, to feel or see what the suffocation that pneumonia patients experience is like,” he said at a press conference.

The official regrets the reports he receives about family gatherings and parties, where dozens or hundreds of people attend. He also affirmed that there are still people who minimize the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, and do not comply with prevention measures such as face masks in public spaces.

“I say it with great respect: if there are people who do not believe it, we take them (to visit a hospital with coronavirus patients). If it is ‘until you see, not believe’ and you are not going to wear a mask, are you expecting to see a dead family member? “, He questioned.

He explained that in the last 24 hours, 30 people in serious condition entered the hospital, which represents a 10 percent increase in hospital occupancy in San Luis Potosí, according to official data.

So far there are 395 hospitalized for Covid-19 in the state, of which 208 have a serious state and 66 are intubated.

“We had an increase of almost 10 percent in hospitalizations is the highest number of people hospitalized and the possibility of people with mechanical ventilation continues to increase,” he reported.

San Luis Potosí faces the worst stage of the health crisis due to the increase in infections, deaths and hospitalizations due to Covid-19 according to official data. According to the report published this Tuesday, Tuesday, 395 patients remain in a Covid unit, of which 66 are intubated and with a high probability of dying, 208 in serious conditions and 121 stable.

At the national level, the Ministry of Health registered 254 thousand 466 deaths from covid-19 as of this Tuesday.

What do you think?

Written by Leena Wadia

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 9 years.


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