
Venom: Who is Carnage and why is he the most reckless villain?

Venom Who is Carnage and why is he the most reckless villain
Venom Who is Carnage and why is he the most reckless villain

Spoiler alert. The movie of one of Spiderman’s super villains has already hit theaters and here we explain why another character in the film has caused so much fear.

Sony’s new movie, Venom, has already made its debut on big screens around the world, leaving many fans divided while others were satisfied with the performance by actor Tom Hardy of the symbiote. As has become custom, the film has shown as the rest of productions of its kind, not one but two post-credit scenes for the analysis of his followers.

As you know, this character from Marvel Comics is just one of the many prequels that are intended to be made about the enemies of the arachnid hero such as Morbius, Kraven, Silver Sable or even Black Cat. Therefore, for those who have seen the movie, the images that appeared at the end of the tapes have excited them a lot.

As for the first part of these exclusive revelations, which does not reach the end but half of the credits, shows the well-known reporter Eddie Brock who visits the maximum security prison of San Quentin to interview one of the inmates in the movie.

There, he starts a brief conversation with serial killer Cletus Kasady, played by actor Woody Harrelson, who replies that “when I get out of here, and I will, there will be a killing.” This reference, however, as well as the character itself, alludes to ‘Carnage’, who acquires the skills of Venom after Brock shares space with Kasady in jail, according to the Marvel comics.


Thus, it could be probing the possibility of a sequel that shows the much more bloody symbiote of the classic red color that will make Venom and Spiderman join forces to defeat him. In the case of the second post-credits scene, it is a continuation or a brief preview of the animated film Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse, which will show characters like Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, among others.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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