
From Big Brother to “Lady Polanco”: the controversial life of Azalia Ojeda

The State of Mexico Prosecutor’s Office arrested “La Negra” for allegedly cashing stolen checks


Azalia is one of the most controversial public figures in recent times, but the peak of her controversial actions came with an arrest for allegedly cashing stolen checks.

Its beginnings in the media go back to 2002, when Endemol and Televisa premiered the program “Big Brother” , where a handful of strangers shared 106 days in a house with cameras recording 24 hours a day.

During his stay at Big Brother he coincided with characters that today are still part of the public life of the country such as Patricio “Pato” Zambrano, who is now part of politics in his native Monterrey.

Also notable is the first expelled Denise Padilla “La Mapacha”, and of course the winner Rocío Cárdenas; However, there were also Gabriel Pontones, Eric Aurioles, Carla Chávez, Eduardo Orozco, Verónica Payro, Miguel Ángel Araniz, Paola Olivera and Diego Jasso.

In the case of “La Negra”, she was expelled at the fifth gala, and elimination night . During the first two galas she was saved by the team members, but in the fourth Gala she was nominated along with Rocío and Eric, and then left the contest.

But Azalia, born in October 1972, also studied and holds a BA from the International Institute of Languages , where she earned her BA in languages.

After Big Brother, he managed to start a career as a singer and released the album “Farsante” with gruper overtones. The album contains ten songs and although there are few records of it, it can still be heard on YouTube.

He also tried acting, and with Juan Osorio he played a small role in the soap opera Velo de Novia (2003) as Lizárraga Ulloa , but it was not so relevant either.

However, in August 2011 she was given a new nickname, this time “Lady Polanco” , after a video leaked on YouTube where she is seen insulting police officers who stopped her for an alleged traffic incident.

Azalia shows in the video her classic bad mood, but exploded to the degree of insulting a policeman in the middle of the Masaryk street, in Polanco, while her partner even struggles with the officer.

Azalia Ojeda (Photo: Twitter / @azalialanegra)Azalia Ojeda (Photo: Twitter / @azalialanegra)

As a result of this, the then Federal District Attorney’s Office reported that its investigations showed that Azalia was attached to the Banking and Commercial Police in Cuautitlán-Texcoco Street in the State of Mexico, where it was also attached to region 60 of Tlalnepantla de Baz with plaza number 290588.

He was also part of numerous scandals, including the most recent declaration lawsuit in which he became involved with Lupita Jones , ex-Miss Universo. According to “La Negra”, it was she who made her go through hell in Nuestra Belleza México in 1996.

Azalia informed the Ventaneando program that Lupita Jones treated her as “fat” and was even subjected to a diet in which she ate only lettuce and almonds. But the peak of her mistreatment came when she hinted that she should get breast implants.

Upon reaching the top six places in the competition, Azalia’s mother was confronted by one of the women who worked with Jones, who tried to extort money from her so that her daughter could win one of the first three spots.

Azalia Ojeda with the crown of a beauty contest (Photo: Twitter / @azalialanegra)Azalia Ojeda with the crown of a beauty contest (Photo: Twitter / @azalialanegra)

But it was on Wednesday, May 21, when Azalia Ojeda returned to the eye of the hurricane, as Agents of the Investigative Police (PDI) of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) made her available to the Public Ministry.

According to the official statement, Azalia was arrested for her probable participation in the crime of bribery. The investigations preliminary revealed that the famous ex-big brother would have tried to cash checks apparently stolen in an Edomex building.

However, for the moment she must be considered innocent until she is found guilty of a criminal act by the judicial authority.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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