
10 tips to have a successful and lasting relationship

long lasting relationship
long lasting relationship

1. Be aware that you want to be with him

Do not make the mistake of being with someone just because others say it. People close to us can press us to give meaning to our life in the realm of love. Success in a relationship is based on a sincere choice. Choose to be with that person because you like his company and enjoy having him around.

2. Be realistic as a couple

Can you love and hate a person at the same time? Yes, it depends on the situation. You will be angry with him and at some point you probably wonder if you should continue with the relationship. But then it will pass and you will love it again. Do not expect to be loved every day with the same intensity. Moods may vary, which does not mean that love is over.

3. Always keep the respect

It is one of the pillars for building a healthy and lasting relationship. Once that is lost, any indication of consideration for the other person is eliminated. After that, it is practically impossible to recover the confidence necessary to bring the love to success.

4. Face the problems

Avoid saving your annoyances and worries for yourself. If there is something that bothers you about the person you love, the best option is to tell them and try to solve it. Do not let what you do not tell him spoil the good moments of the relationship. Remember that the other person will not be able to guess what happens to you.

5. That relationship is not your life

You can love him, enjoy the moments by his side and live in love with him. But that does not mean that you should stay away from everything else. Keep your own space and enjoy it during your leisure time. Visit your friends, family, etc. Do not stop doing what you liked before starting the relationship. He will fall in love more with you when you show yourself 100% real.

6. Bridarle support in times of change

With the passing of the years, people tend to change. Do not think that this is something negative for the relationship. Maturing is part of the human being process and that does not mean that he is becoming another person. Support him during that evolution!

7. Maintain control in fights

Discussing does not mean that you should bring out the worst in yourself. On the contrary, you should avoid the offenses and insults of those who later you will regret. A typical mistake that most couples make is to remember previous fights to try to strengthen their position. It shows a positive attitude towards any discrepancy and, before fighting, tries to debate calmly.

8. Active sexual life

Sex is not only one of the most enjoyable activities we have access to, it also measures the chemistry we have with the other. It is during those minutes that that complicity, sensuality and intimacy surface. Sexual relationships are usually strengthened by practice, and an inexplicable connection emerges.

9. Know how to forgive

During a discussion, both want to win. It does not really matter the beginning, end or end of the fight. The important thing is to forgive, accept that the mistake was in the past and stop repeating each argument you used. Take this time to be together and try to do an activity together that strengthens the relationship.

10. Complicity

Every relationship has those little ‘nonsense’ that only the two understand. Those things that both can laugh without needing to say a word. They can be gestures or details that appear at some time. And if you do not have them yet, try to create them.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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