
How to increase and tone the buttocks with Vitamin C


Aesthetic trends change over time; For a few years what they have been wearing are large and firm buttocks. To achieve them naturally, there is no choice but to spend a lot of time exercising this area of the body, but the desired results are not always achieved.

However, this does not mean that you cannot have a larger buttock size. There are other alternatives, such as resorting to a gluteoplasty to add volume to this area of the body with silicone, or even autogenous fat implants of the patient. Although very good results are achieved, it is an operation that, logically, involves a postoperative process that can be more or less long depending on each person.

Precisely for this reason, science continues to advance towards treatments that achieve good results at a medical-aesthetic level and that are as less invasive as possible. A good example is the increased buttocks with vitamin C.

The positive effects of this vitamin on the body have been known for decades, but it was only recently that it began to be applied more frequently in aesthetic treatments.

Benefits of vitamin C

Vitamins are among the essential nutrients our body needs. Not only do they contribute to our health being in better condition, but they also have direct effects on the appearance of our skin and hair.

The Vitamin C is one of the most important and reports to our body several advantages, including:

  • Improves vision
  • It helps to regulate blood pressure
  • It is a powerful antioxidant
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • It is effective in fighting premature skin aging
  • It stimulates collagen production
  • Helps fight sagging skin, but also stretch marks and blemishes

But let’s focus on the glutes: what specific benefits does vitamin C bring to this area? It manages to reduce sagging and improve the appearance of the skin, making the buttocks look (and are) smoother and, therefore, with greater volume. What the vitamin does is stimulate the action of fibroblasts, cells that are responsible for supporting the skin, thus contributing to smoother skin tissue.

How do you increase the buttocks with vitamin C?

It is a very simple and safe treatment that consists of injecting this nutrient directly into the area to be treated. Although it is painless, it is normal to notice some stinging in the area for a few seconds, when the injection is given, but these discomforts disappear quickly.

The duration of treatment depends on the body and the needs of each patient, but the most common is to carry out four sessions, one every 15 days.

Before beginning with the application of vitamin C, the patient should undergo at least three massage sessions on the buttocks. The objective of these massages is to remove fat and prepare the muscle for injections. Thus the results will be even more remarkable.

After the treatment, the area must be left to rest for two days so that the vitamin is absorbed properly. The patient can lead his normal life, but he must refrain from doing exercises that involve working the treated area more or less intensely. After 48 hours you can return to your normal exercise routine.

In some cases, the patient may notice some swelling in the area where the injection was given, but this inflammation tends to disappear after a few days.

What kind of patients can undergo this treatment?

It is recommended for people between 36 and 60 years old, whose skin has already begun to lose collagen moderately, although it can also be applied in people outside that age range if they do not achieve the desired results through other techniques.

When are the results noticed?

The vitamin C is absorbed by the body in just 48 hours, so the results are quickly noticeable, although it is possible to obtain the desired result several sessions are necessary.

The important thing in these cases is to always put yourself in the hands of professionals and combine this treatment with a healthy diet and moderate exercise several times a week. It is essential to include in the exercise routine some specific ones to shape the buttocks, such as squats. A simple change of routines can have very beneficial effects on the butt. Walking more and forgetting about the elevator strengthens this area of the body with practically no effort. In addition, having moderate physical activity has beneficial effects for the whole body in general.

We can also help the body obtain more vitamin C naturally by increasing the intake of foods that contain it, such as papaya, pineapple, blueberries, or cauliflower. These products are also a great help when it comes to meeting the goal of following a healthier and more balanced diet.

As always, hydration is essential for the body to perform well with all its functions. Good hydration helps the buttocks stay in better condition, so two liters of water a day cannot be lacking, divided between the water that we drink directly and that contained in food.

It is also advised to sleep in clothing that is not tight. This type of garment hinders circulation and affects the tissue regeneration process, causing the appearance of cellulite.

Complementary treatments

The good thing about buttock augmentation with vitamin C is that being non-invasive, it can be complemented with other treatments to improve the appearance of the butt. The patient should undergo massages to help remove fat from the area.

In addition, you can undergo other treatments, such as radiofrequency, eliminating cellulite, and even mesotherapy. Cosmetic treatments also often work well, but it is important to choose quality anti-cellulite and firming products.

What do you think?

Written by Adam Smith

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for online blogs and publications. I specialize in topics like technology, travel and food.


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