
After all, how long does alcohol remain in the body?

After all how long does alcohol remain in the body
After all how long does alcohol remain in the body

This is a difficult question and depends on several factors, however there are some guidelines to take into account …

How long alcohol stays in the bloodstream depends on the weight, height, age, gender, and speed of the individuals metabolism. This process is also affected by the amount of food eaten, whether or not medication is taken, the health status of the liver and the type of alcohol consumed.

However, what is known for sure is that on average the liver takes an hour to process a gram of alcohol – and it takes 5.5 hours to break down into the bloodstream the amount that equals the legal limit allowed to drive.

According to the UK publication Metro UK, and a study conducted by the British health system (NHS), the average time for the body to decompose the alcohol present in 250 milliliters of wine is three hours. Already to digest a pint of beer, the body takes up to two hours.

And attention. If you happen to start drinking in the late afternoon until around midnight, that alcohol is guaranteed to be present in your bloodstream the next morning – so think twice about driving.

However, also know that alcohol usually stays in the urine for 12 to 36 hours. And that more advanced scientific tests can find the presence of this substance in the urine within 80 hours after stopping drinking.

Moreover, alcohol can be detected in the saliva for a period of 24 hours after its consumption, and bizarrely can be detected in the hair up to 90 days later.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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