
12 Celebrities who have had the sexiest bodyguards of all time

Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart

Being rich and famous has many advantages, but it also has some disadvantages, such as the risk in which they put their physical integrity; And is that between thousands and thousands of fans you can not rule out that one another is a little crazy – we all remember the case of John Lennon right? -, so additional safety measures have to be taken. One of them is hiring bodyguards, who practically become their shadow. They are with them night and day, in casual and formal events. All the time.

These 12 celebrities that we show you below do not have a silly hair, in fact they were very clever when they chose their jails – or should we say beautiful? – personal … How not to feel safe in your arms? They are the sexiest of the show!

1. Beyoncé

12 Celebrities who have had the sexiest bodyguards of all time
Bodyguard Beyoncé

2. Adele

12 Celebrities who have had the sexiest bodyguards of all time
Bodyguard Adele

3. Ariana Grande

12 Celebrities who have had the sexiest bodyguards of all time
Ariana bodyguard

What do you think?

Written by Adam Smith

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for online blogs and publications. I specialize in topics like technology, travel and food.


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