
Investigation by accident of Cubana not yet concluded Civil Aeronautics

Ensures that there are no elements for an official pronouncement or assignment of responsibilities in this regard

Investigation by accident of Cubana not yet concluded Civil Aeronautics
Investigation by accident of Cubana not yet concluded Civil Aeronautics

The Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) reported that in relation to the accident on May 18 of a Cubana de Aviación airplane in Havana, Cuba, there is still no official pronouncement from the Civil Aviation Institute of Cuba (IACC) ).

The authority responsible for the investigation (IACC), in terms of Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, has not yet issued a ruling on the causes of the accident. In this sense, the IACC pointed out that until the conclusion of all the analyzes and studies, the causes of the accident may be known.

Therefore, there are no elements for the DGAC or any other authority to make an official pronouncement or assignment of responsibilities in this regard.

This Monday, Damojh Airlines (Global Air) company that leased the plane to Cubana de Aviación issued a statement where it reported that derived from the analysis of the voice and flight recorders (black boxes) of the Boeing 737-200 of Cubana de Aviación, He found that the crew of the aircraft took off with a very steep ascent angle which caused its collapse.

The DGAC added that with respect to the measures taken in connection with the accident, such as the suspension of Damojh Airlines operations and an extraordinary technical-administrative verification visit, the aeronautical authority indicated that these comply with the legal framework and took into consideration the severity of the accident.

The purpose of these measures was to ensure that the operating conditions will continue to comply with the regulations, as well as to collect additional documentation that would help in the investigation of the accident.

“These measures are already under study by the judicial authorities for the injunctions filed by the company, and in due course the DGAC will punctually process the amparo proceedings and abide by the resolutions of the judicial authority,” said the DGAC.

Likewise, he assured that the public servants responsible for verifying the operations of concessionaires and permit holders in aviation, as well as for the authorization of airworthiness certificates, are “experienced technicians who carry out their work as established by national and international regulations. international”.

The extraordinary verification of Damojh Airlines has already concluded and the company presented its evidence and defenses to resolve the findings detected, which are being assessed to issue the corresponding resolution under the terms of the law, he said.

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Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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