They have incredible houses, vacations in paradisiacal places, they own yachts, they practice water skiing, they swim among sharks, they go to exclusive restaurants … In short, they teach a life full of glamor.
The influencers and celebrities do not cease to show all their activities, the perfect amount of friends you have, they spend their perfect families $ ultimately the great life they have. Those posts have millions of likes, comments, and interactions that can make you a lot of money. Constantly viewing these types of posts can be interpreted in two different ways:
1. Someone is living the life that I would like to live and that I deserve.
I would be so happy if I could jump over the abyss that separates me from those people and be with them at that party, on that yacht, working in that company, on those vacations €. For many of those who think this way, there are two types of people, the mediocre and the elite. These people try to avoid those they consider mediocre, who are not glamorous or have ambitions.
For these people, seeing these types of posts makes them feel constant frustration and envy. They generate a resentment that always accompanies them because they deserve that which they cannot have and also heighten that feeling that many people have of not being good enough because they have not been able to get there, wherever that may be. Their self-esteem is sinking and they do their best to appear glamorous in a failed attempt to reach their goal.
2. There are people who know that there are extraordinary things in life, but doubt that the obvious signs of glamor can lead to them. They know that good qualities generally reside in ordinary people and that everything is mixed: cool clothes can be worn by a very classic person, famous people can be boring, ordinary people can do incredible things, you could feel sad at the coolest party in the world. world and you can have the deepest conversation of your life with your aunt who loves soap operas and who likes to crochet.
For these people, the effect of constantly seeing these types of posts is very different. Although they may feel bad, compare themselves to them, feel envy or frustration at specific moments, they are able to see beyond the false appearance of life and can look at these publications with a critical spirit. They know how to enjoy the moments that may not seem glamorous but that are full of life in their day to day.
In addition, those in the first group are unaware that the lifestyle that influencers and famous people sell is surrounded by falsehoods and manipulations:
1- They choose what to show. The type of photos and videos that these famous people post are highly studied, they don’t post anything. They only bring out the most positive moments in their lives, real or manufactured. That is why it makes no sense to compare our life, which has its positive moments and its negative moments (feelings of sadness and loneliness, anger €), with the most positive moments that another person chooses to show. It is not a fair or balanced comparison.
2- Search for perfection. Famous people can spend hours taking photos, recording videos, and choosing the perfect photo or image. There is great pressure to post flawless photos. All his followers on social networks have an expectation that must be met. Users see the photos that are being posted but not the time or agony that usually exists behind the search for the perfect image. More and more influencers leave social networks due to the stress and discomfort generated by the pressure of having to publish.
3- Retouching. Many photos and videos are retouched or manipulated. They are not real. The pressure that exists in social networks to have perfect bodies causes many people to retouch graphic materials to hide what they judge as imperfections. They post images that are not real, because their followers like photos of incredible bodies, even though deep down they know they are retouched. That also generates a lot of discomfort and damages the self-esteem of those people who have to hide some parts to continue to maintain a level of popularity. To this must be added the anxiety generated by having to maintain that charade, that it does not show that it is not real. This absurd way of thinking in which we are immersed causes that when it is discovered that someone is retouching their photos.
4- Manipulations and lies. Many influencers make montages to make it appear that they do a lot of extraordinary activities or that they are very happy and that they are enjoying life to the fullest. For example, there are companies that have sets that look like airplanes and charge a fortune for people to take photos and pretend they are on private jets. There are luxury houses that are rented for photo shoots. There are people who put on makeup and get ready to go out, take a photo or record a video informing that they are going to party, and after doing so they remove their makeup and go to sleep. All to give the feeling that they are going to do something fun.
In conclusion. Most of the things we see on social media are fake. It makes no sense to compare yourself with anyone or take as a goal an imposed lifestyle that they try to sell us as happiness. If we detach ourselves from the screen, talk and interact with the people around us, even if they are not glamorous, we will do much better.
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