
Goodbye touch screens: Google will monitor the movement of your fingers by radar

Google will monitor the movement of your fingers by radar
Google will monitor the movement of your fingers by radar

Project Soli, that’s the name of Google’s new technology based on a radar motion sensor that controls what our fingers are doing and that will allow us to handle electronic devices without physical contact. A technology hitherto outside the law in the United States because it used a higher frequency than allowed and whose implementation will be possible thanks to a favorable treatment by the US regulatory agency.

Projecto Soli’s technology was first released in 2015 during a conference of developers of the multinational. Since its inception, the goal was to build an alternative through the use of lightning and radar systems that allow the control of a terminal without contact through its screen or peripherals. However, its use was not authorized by the competent regulatory body, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC, according to its acronym in English).

In fact, the regulator has made an exception with Google and has favored Google because Project Soli technology aimed at handling contactless phones uses a frequency band of 57 to 64 GHz, higher than that the United States usually allows, although within the parameters of the European Union.

According to the company, this new sensor will recognize several movements such as the pressing of buttons or the simulation of the rotation of a wheel.

The final objective of this project is to be able to handle physical objects without contact and in a virtual way. Once the obstacle of legality has been overcome, the company plans to incorporate this technology into wearables, telephones, computers and cars, among other terminals.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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