
With a string thong, Demi Rose shows off her mini-waist in a sexy selfie

The beautiful English influencer once again pleased her followers with photographs in which she shows her voluptuous figure; In addition, he shared a video of his visit to a clinic where he underwent anti-cellulite treatment.

Demi Rose. 1
Demi Rose. 1

Demi Rose is enjoying the summer to the fullest, and she always finds time to take selfies with which to please her followers on Instagram . The most recent shows her wearing a micro bikini with a string thong that highlighted her mini-waist.

Recently the British influencer caused a sensation with a couple of photographs in which she appears doing exercises on the floor, completely naked; the images have accumulated more than a million likes so far .

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Demi Rose sports a spectacular body in her publications, and she continually goes to clinics to undergo various beauty therapies. In his Instagram stories, he published a video in which he is seen receiving an anti-cellulite treatment.

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What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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