
What Are The Best And Most Effective Treatments To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

cellulite treatment
cellulite treatment

Cellulite is one of the great enemies of women. Although it is also present in men, the truth is that it is much more common among the female gender.

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not related to being overweight. There are many people who are at their ideal weight and who still have to deal with those unsightly clumps of fat that can appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and even arms.

Cellulite treatments

What is cellulite?

It is actually a subcutaneous tissue pathology. It is formed mainly by deficiencies in circulation , although factors such as genetics, hormonal load, diet, lack of adequate hydration and leading a sedentary lifestyle also influence its appearance.

Despite being a pathology, cellulite does not put health at risk. Only in very few cases does it become infectious cellulitis, showing symptoms very similar to those of folliculitis. Fortunately, in most cases it only causes inconvenience on an aesthetic level.

This problem is so difficult to eliminate that over the years many different treatments have emerged to end it. We are going to see some of the most effective.

An Introductory Guide to Pressotherapy | Burick Center Harrisburg PA


It is one of the most affordable treatments to treat cellulite and usually gives very good results. It consists of applying air pressure on the affected areas of the body. This results in compression followed by relaxation that promotes the activation of the lymphatic system and the elimination of accumulated fat .

It is not an invasive treatment. The patient puts on a special suit or mesh that is connected to the air compressor. Besides being good for cellulite, pressotherapy also improves circulation, and is even used in the treatment of edema.

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What is done with this treatment is to apply energy to the skin to achieve firmness and reduce body volume. It is not an aggressive treatment and hardly causes any discomfort. As the patient gets used to it, he only notices a slight heat in the area that is being treated.

The electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency achieve a rapid movement of the water molecules within the fat tissue, which helps to reduce the accumulated fat . That is why it is important to hydrate well before undergoing the treatment.

Carboxytherapy - facial treatment - Natura Termo SPA


It is one of the latest developments when it comes to eliminating cellulite. It is a somewhat more invasive treatment that involves the application of CO2 microinjections in the affected area. CO2 is responsible for toning the skin and improving circulation , thus helping to reduce cellulite, sagging skin and circulatory problems.

Ozone therapy

If CO2 infiltrations were made in carboxytherapy, in ozone therapy what is done is to oxygenate the affected tissues with injected ozone; This activates circulation and helps eliminate localized fat .

What is Ultrasound Cavitation Fat Loss Therapy


Cavitation is another of the most popular treatments when it comes to fighting cellulite. It consists of applying, in a controlled way, air microbubbles inside the fatty tissue, which is done with the help of a specific roller. The reason why this treatment is used so much is that, in addition to being very effective against cellulite, it has a firming and shaping effect .


In this case, small amounts of homeopathic substances are injected into the first layer of the dermis, which helps dissolve accumulated fat and toxins, while activating circulation .

Therapeutic Ultrasound


What is done is to apply a low frequency ultrasound beam on the area affected by cellulite. These ultrasounds break down the fat cells of the adipose tissue, allowing them to be eliminated later through the lymphatic system, urine and sweat.


Non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments usually give very good results, but, in some cases, to end the problem it is necessary to go through the operating room.

Liposuction is the most used treatment to reduce cellulite and eliminate accumulations of fat that do not disappear with a healthy diet and exercise. Although today it is a fairly simple procedure, it is important for the patient to exercise caution during the postoperative period to achieve the desired results.

Can the appearance of cellulite be prevented?


This skin problem affects people of all types and of all ages. There is nothing you can do to guarantee that it will not appear, but there are things that can be changed and habits that can be adopted to minimize the risk of cellulite.

First of all, you have to follow a healthy and balanced diet, reducing your intake of fats and carbohydrates. You have to bet on fruits and vegetables. You can not miss a good hydration (at least two liters of water a day) and reduce salt to a minimum to avoid fluid retention.

Eliminating the consumption of alcohol and tobacco also has positive effects on the tissues. When these habits are stopped, fluid retention is reduced and the amount of blood reaching the tissues is increased.

You can not miss physical exercise, which should be practiced moderately but daily. Exercise helps tone muscles, improves circulation, and is helpful in fighting cellulite .

It is also recommended to apply an anti-cellulite cream every day from the abdomen to the ankles, even in those areas where there is no cellulite. The active ingredients in these creams break lipid chains and help eliminate fat.

Apart from all the above, there are practices that are carried out frequently and that directly affect circulation and, therefore, the appearance of cellulite. In this sense, it is better to avoid very tight pants, dresses or skirts, and reduce the use of high-heeled shoes, since they do not promote adequate blood circulation.

What do you think?

Written by Adam Smith

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for online blogs and publications. I specialize in topics like technology, travel and food.


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