
Buttocks To Power


That’s right … A promising summer is coming. A free summer full of experiences that have accumulated for months in our minds wishing to become reality. And for this, our tuning is essential.

And of course, speaking of summer and set-up, the word buttocks takes absolute prominence.

Of all the areas of the body of women, the buttocks are the one that has taken a priority role in the last two years. Inheritance of the Kardashian sisters in part and also as a consequence of a radical change in terms of the concept of body 10 in women where we have gone from slim bodies with not very pronounced curves to a new concept of women with vertigo curves and prominent buttocks symbol of female empowerment.

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Well, taking this into account, Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery have provided, how could it be otherwise, incredible solutions with procedures that ensure an extraordinary before and after.

In this area Nikki Reina is strongly positioned in the two most successful treatments with or without surgery:

How to Boost Your Butt with These 5 Hip and Glute Exercises

Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid

In this case, explains Nikki Reina herself, it is a treatment for which it is necessary to have special training as an aesthetic doctor, so few doctors perform it. In our case, our team is highly qualified to do it, as we have already demonstrated in many of our patients who write to us with gratitude.

This treatment uses a type of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) specially designed for buttock augmentation, with an adequate density and an immediate effect that lasts for 2 years.

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The cost of the treatment varies depending on the amount of HA to be infiltrated, starting with about 100ml and reaching 250ml / 300ml depending on each case.

Although indeed, this treatment is not cheap, since it costs almost as much as plastic surgery, it is a wonderful solution for those women who do not have enough body fat to undergo a lipotransfer liposuction to the buttocks. It is also a solution for those patients who do not want to undergo surgery and want a very immediate pain-free result, says Nikki.

Getting A Fat Transfer to Buttocks with not Enough Body Fat?

Buttock lipotransfer

Rare liposuction is performed without performing lipotransfer to the buttocks. The procedure consists in that, once the fat is extracted from other areas of the body such as the abdomen and flanks, it is processed by purifying it and leaving it in an “active state” to be infiltrated in the buttocks, thus achieving a rounded, elevated and “upturned”.

It is an incredible change that comes to stay in the body after surgery, says Nikki Reina, taking into account that approximately 70% of the infiltrated fat remains permanently established. The important thing here is that the fat extraction is enough to fill the buttocks so that it is an effective change. In this way, the body is completely sculpted since the waist, abdomen, and flanks are redefined using the extracted fat to fill the buttocks. A radical change.

In this case, as it is a surgery, the procedure is performed in the operating room with general anesthesia and, normally, the patient goes home the same day of the operation.

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Buttock prosthesis implantation

There is a third procedure for buttock augmentation that consists of the implantation of prostheses. But as Nikki Reina explains, this procedure often presents a complicated evolution due to a possible displacement of the prostheses, since the buttocks are a fairly active part of the body, so in this case, we do not recommend it and therefore we do not perform it.

Finally, you can also obtain remarkable results with advanced aesthetic treatments without performing any invasive therapy. For this, Nikki Reina has created the now-famous treatment called buttocks of steel. Where they combine a series of advanced aesthetic techniques applying a 100% Colombian protocol (we all have the curves of Colombian women as a reference) that achieves a very considerable toning and volume after a few sessions.

Buttock implants: creating the perfect bottom

In short, whether you want to increase your buttocks because you are thin and lack volume in this area, or if what you want is to sculpt your body by literally changing the place of fat, Nikki Reina offers you the solution with the most prepared medical team and committed to your result. There are already many patients who have put themselves in his hands with impeccable and very successful results.

What do you think?

Written by Adam Smith

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for online blogs and publications. I specialize in topics like technology, travel and food.


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