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If the overweight does not exceed 10% we can perform a liposuction

Liposuction, an aesthetic surgery that is performed in several areas of the body and that effectively eliminates localized fat that does not leave with good nutrition or exercise.

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Liposuction, an aesthetic surgery that is performed in several areas of the body and that effectively eliminates localized fat that does not leave with good nutrition or exercise.

In which cases is an abdominal liposuction performed and in which cases a tummy tuck?

In the presence of an inesthetic abdomen due to excess skin and / or fat and alterations of the muscular wall, we can consider performing a tummy tuck or abdominal dermolipectomy. If there is only an excess of fat, it can be treated by liposuction. Sometimes both procedures can be combined.


Can an overweight patient perform liposuction?

Although the ideal would be to perform liposuction in patients with normal weight, provided that the overweight does not exceed 10% of the ideal weight of the patient we could perform it. Even in certain cases, the improvement in body contour obtained after liposuction could stimulate the patient to perform healthier lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. In no case is liposuction a treatment for generalized obesity.

In what areas of the body can liposuction be performed?

Liposuction can be performed practically throughout the body: face and neck, abdomen, flanks, back, breasts tail, hips, thighs, legs, ankles, …

In what areas of the body do your patients request more liposuctions?

Men usually request liposuction preferentially for the abdomen and flanks (back michelines), while women tend to perform more areas of thighs, hips and buttocks; although not exclusively.

How many zones can be done at the same time?

The limit of liposuction rather than the number of zones is in the total lipoaspirate volume since small and insignificant amounts of blood are also aspirated next to the fat. But at large volumes of total aspirate (8 or more liters) blood loss could be significant.

How is the postoperative?

After liposuction, a burning sensation or as stiffness may be noticed in the treated areas, which yields with the usual analgesics. You should keep the girdle or pressure therapy garments for 2 to 4 weeks after the intervention. It is advisable to adopt healthy habits such as diet and physical exercise.

How many days off are necessary after the intervention?

You should start walking as soon as possible. You can return to work two or three days after surgery and, the stitches will be removed between five and seven days after the intervention.

Armpit Liposuction: How It Works, Types, Safety, Side Effect & Benefits

How can fibrosis be avoided?

The appearance of fibrosis with adhesions of the skin to the underlying muscles is a very rare complication and when it appears it is usually due to the aspiration of a greater amount of fat than is convenient. Lymphatic drains can prevent and even resolve this type of complication.

When are the final results going to be seen?

The result will depend on the volume of fat removed and the retraction of the skin that occurs after liposuction; Therefore, although the improvement is visible from the first moment, the final result cannot be assessed until two or three months after surgery.

Can fat reappear in the intervened area?

It is very unlikely that this will happen, since the reduction of the fat deposits of the subcutaneous tissue that is inside the adipocytes or fat cells in the liposuction is obtained by the percentage reduction of the number of these. Thus, if we reduce the number of adipocytes of a specific liposuctioned area by 80%, for example, the remaining 20% ​​of adipocytes can never bulk up, regardless of the amount of individual fat that accumulates each adipocyte, as did 100 % of cells before liposuction.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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