Summer is coming and if you want your skin not to lament the mistakes made during the summer months, you have to get down to work and not let your guard down. In fact, it is during the summer season when the risks to the skin increase. The fact that the heat dehydrates the epidermis faster and that the sweating increases the humidity, making it more prone to infections, makes this season of the year our skin care must be greater.
The sun, according to Dr. Moises Martin Anaya, “is what gives us and removes us”: it gives the skin a healthier color, but it is also one of the greatest risks for our skin. Stains, dryness, and, in the most extreme cases, melanoma … the dangers that it entails are varied. The basic care that Dr. Martin Anaya recommends for the skin during the summer are these:
1. Clean skin … Daily cleaning should be done with mild products that do not alter the acid mantle of the skin, that do not irritate or be very perfumed, but help to eliminate the accumulated fat and dirt. In addition, materials that do not scratch or rub our skin should be used. It is important not to share towels with other people and dry the folds correctly to avoid the appearance of superficial mycosis.
2.hydrated. Moisturizing creams and oils allow to recover lost moisture and are particularly useful if heat dries the skin. The important thing is that it contains moisturizing and emollient properties, which allows water to be recovered.
3. Attention with clothes. To take care of the skin of the whole body implies to avoid wearing clothes or shoes with materials that favor the appearance of fungi by creating a humid environment; or that may cause skin wounds or allergies.
4. Prevent infections. If a small accident occurs which results in a scratch, a wound on the skin or a burn, to avoid infection it is necessary to wash the area immediately with water. In case of pimples or blisters it is important not to touch or squeeze them.
5. And the food? The consumption of meats should be moderated and the consumption of fruits and vegetables should be prioritized, foods rich in antioxidant vitamins such as A, C and E. The latter is one of the most important for skin care, since it prevents cell degeneration, It helps in the regenerative process in case of scars and acne and contributes to the increase of blood flow of the skin. It is present in oils, nuts, fish and shrimp and in vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, asparagus, tomato or carrot. And, of course, it is also advisable to drink a lot of water.
6. Importance of the dream. The cells are produced and recover their strength when sleeping, helping to keep skin in good condition.
7. Sun protection. We recommend an increasing factor of sun protection to defend our skin from ultraviolet rays. This must be chosen according to the type of skin. In general, it is recommended to use at least one with 15 FPS. In addition, they should be applied 30 to 45 minutes before sun exposure begins, as they are eliminated by sweat and water.
8. Sun exposure. It is advisable to minimize exposure to the sun in the central hours of the day.
9. What about chlorine? After exposure to the sun or chlorinated water from a pool, it is necessary to take a shower to hydrate the skin. You can use a normal or slightly acidic PH soap, which helps to avoid dermatological infection.
10. Antioxidants. Due to the exposure to the sun and the aggressions caused by salt and chlorine, a daily process of recovery of the dermis is necessary, which we can achieve thanks to products that contain antioxidants.
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