
Ninel Conde’s yellow skirt ideal for highlighting curves

The Mexican Ninel Conde dazzled with a look for Thanksgiving that earned thousands of likes.

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Ninel Conde 1

Ninel Conde has almost 5 million followers on Instagram, where she shares all her looks, her daily training, and her eating routine to have a healthy body. Some time ago she published a photo of her in which she wore a yellow skirt that highlighted her curves and looked amazing on her.

In addition to using social networks, the Mexican actress also has a website where she shares all her beauty secrets and tricks: “I reveal my best-kept secret, these are the products that are part of my routine.” She has sections like “supplements” or “creams” so that her followers know all the products that she uses.

At the beginning of 2022, Ninel Conde announced that it began to market its Niu Fit Shaper girdles to shape the waist and increase the thermal action on the abdomen. Her curves are not only due to genetics, but also due to her constant exercise, and this product can be had on the website at a price of $59.99.

Ninel Conde’s yellow skirt

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday that is celebrated in the United States and Canada, but, due to immigration, it has spread to countries like Mexico. The date is always the fourth Thursday in November in the United States and the second Monday in October in Canada and is a day of thanksgiving for the harvest and for the previous year.

This celebration is just as important as New Year and Christmas, and families gather in their homes where they prepare a banquet, there are also parades, and many brands launch discounts on their products. The main course for dinner is a large roasted or baked turkey, which is typical in American movies.

Thanksgiving Day is one of Ninel Conde‘s favorite dates and she demonstrated it on Instagram: she wore an incredibly long yellow skirt with a cut that reached above the knee and combined it with a yellow corset with white stones with very thin straps with dangling earrings.

“Sometimes we have to wait and the important thing is to stay with joy in waiting and the key is to give thanks and believe that the best is yet to come. All the trials in life help you grow and prepare for what is to come, which is always better than what happened. Happy Thanksgiving I love you, “he wrote next to the publication.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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