Great stir caused the news published by The Hollywood Reporter that The Superman we know of Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman and Justice League hung the cape and broke their relationship with Warner.
According to the publication, apparently, the distancing between the British actor and Warner Bros began when the studio asked him to make a cameo in the movie Shazam, but Cavill refused alleging agenda problems.
Several sources blame the recent signing of Cavill in the title role of the Netflix series about the novels of ‘The Witcher’.
Other hypotheses argue that the signing came after the studio decided to dispense with Superman, as Warner wants to retake his DC film universe by switching Superman to Supergirl, with a solo movie.
However, the representative of Cavill, Dany García, has denied everything on Twitter: “Be calm, the layer is still in your closet. @wbpictures has been and will continue to be our collaborator, while developing the DC universe. ” ❧
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