Love and relationships are a bunch of different situations, sometimes everything is colored and other days, everything is gray, but the important thing is what the two parties feel. Both the man and woman involved in this relationship should do their part to make the relationship work, if you find yourself in a complicated situation this note is for you as we have prepared a summary of 8 errors that all men discuss during a relationship loving, and they do not even realize it. Eye that also applies for some women.
1. Do not keep your word:
For women it is super important to remember the things you promise, especially the promises you make when you are happy, this is not a simple detail because the girls remember absolutely everything, the dates, the hours, the days, everything. Do not promise things you know you will not fulfill.
2. Do not be honest:
Do not try to be someone you are not, it is very important that you be sincere from the beginning, if you want something serious or if you just want to hang out, it is not fair that illusions to anyone. Also do not lie about your life, in the end there is the reason why that person loves you, and if everything is a lie there will be no reason to stay together.
3. Not being a retailer:
This error goes beyond gift, women do not need flowers, chocolates or expensive gifts, what they really need is attention and time, especially the last. Definitely value more a good morning message than something expensive.
4. Betray your partner’s trust:
Trust is the main value in which a relationship is sustained, if there is no trust unfortunately there is nothing. So do not betray your partner’s trust, because when you realize it, there will be no going back.
5. Disrespect her:
It is not clear to you that both have the same rights and duties and invade their privacy, criticize their clothing, etc., does not necessarily mean being violent. Respect in a relationship is something that should never go unnoticed.
6. Do not give your partner your place:
You have to know what your priorities are, your partner must occupy a fundamental place in your life since it is your other half. You must give her her place, not abuse the deal with friends, know clearly who is your partner and who are your friends.
7. Do not include it in your plans:
This does not mean that your partner should be with your friends all day, no, what it means is that you should make her feel part of your world, if you feel prepared and you are really in love, introduce her to your family, to your friends, make her a part important of your life, otherwise ask yourself if you really want a relationship like that.
8. Do not commit to the relationship:
You have to know what your partner wants, what your aspirations are in this relationship, whether you are ready to formalize or not. Neither of you deserves to waste your time. Be careful and know what they really want.
Eye, it is also important that you do not forget that not everything is solved with a gift, beyond flowers or chocolates, the important thing is that they have sat down to talk about their problems and have seen the best way to solve them.
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