
6 Tips For A Successful And Lasting Relationship

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The topic says that time and routine ate with love, but that does not have to be the case. A couple’s relationship is something alive that goes through phases, suffers ups and downs and changes continuously … not necessarily worse. Devoting time, energy and attention to the couple is the secret to a successful and lasting relationship. Here are six tips to nurture it:

1. Break the routine. There are routines necessary for daily life, but also others that dwarf life, making it predictable and boring. Get out of the known, stop going to dinner at the same restaurants, go on vacation without making plans. It is important not to turn the relationship into a castillito for two where nothing new can enter.

2. Enjoy together. Do not let your daily obligations steal your smile. Love needs attention, illusion, gestures of tenderness, surprises, gifts. It is like a child with an open heart. Laugh together and try to make joy preside over your relationship. Make an effort to avoid the negativity, rudeness and disrespect that kill the desire and the desire to be together.

3. Do not fear conflicts. No matter how much love and complicity there is, disagreements, arguments and even quarrels will always arise in a relationship. It is better to express the discomfort than to silence it, because this always leads to frustration and resentment. Disagreements are an opportunity to get to know each other better, learn lessons and build a solid foundation for your relationship. And remember: never be afraid to ask for forgiveness. It is the balm that softens all tensions.

4 Express your love Never give your partner’s affection for granted. Even if they have a stable relationship or are married, he or she is not their property. It is a person who has decided to love you and be at your side, just like you. Love is strengthened when the couple expresses their feelings , when both put themselves in the place of another, when they dedicate time and energy to celebrate their love, to support each other, to try to understand each other and to stay united even in the midst of disagreements or Bad times.

5. Have a life of your own. No matter how much you are in love, keep in mind that your partner can not and should not fulfill all your emotional needs. It is very important that each of you remains an autonomous and reasonably happy person outside of your partner, because only then can you add, contribute, nurture the relationship. Have friends, confidants and accomplices of both sexes with whom to spend time and talk, vent, share hobbies, listen, learn things … Let there be air between the two so that both can breathe at ease.

6. But remember they are a couple. This means making everyday decisions by mutual agreement, sharing daily life, coupling, adjusting, reinventing oneself. It supposes to share moments of happiness, tenderness, complicity, but also days in which they do not support each other. Put your commitment and your mutual love above the circumstances and moods, never forgetting what is the reason why you are together.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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