
The allegedly anti-Semitic fresco depicting Macron and Attali has been removed

Macron and Attali
Macron and Attali

In Avignon, a mural located at the northern entrance to the city represented Emmanuel Macron made up as Pinocchio, above the puppet, pulling the strings Jacques Attali. This fresco, entitled “The Beast 2 the event”, was signed by the graffiti artist Lektor. The images made the rounds on social networks and caused an outcry.

As soon as the photos of the work were released, several personalities and associations asked for it to be removed because of the fresco’s anti-Semitic and conspiratorial references. The American Jewish Committee notably challenged the mayor, Cécile Helle, on Twitter, asking her to erase the painting of Emmanuel Macron & Jacques Attali.

The Jewish Defense League believes that many anti-Semitic symbols are present: “The Jewish and influential personality (here Jacques Attali), the worrying look and the hands that operate puppets to make it clear that the Jews run the world.”

What do you think?

Written by Rachita Salian


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