
Platelet Rich Plasma: What Is It, | Risks, Results, Options and Cost


One of the treatments that stands out most in aesthetic medicine, for promoting cell regeneration and stopping the aging process, is platelet-rich plasma. And one of the characteristics that it has is that it is the patient’s blood, so it is highly recommended that it only be applied by a specialist in the subject.

The platelet-rich plasma is considered one of the procedures more effective in reducing signs of aging e¡los. Also, it is perfect to accelerate the recovery conditions of the skin after a burn. At present this treatment is one of the most popular worldwide, that is why both young and educated people opt for this procedure. Since this procedure is done with a substance that is obtained from the patient’s own body, does PRP have side effects? Before answering the question, let’s mention what is PRP

Platelet-rich plasma

Platelets release growth factors that stimulate cell regeneration and produce new tissue. These platelets are acquired from the patient’s blood and work to do the repairing effect that is used to rejuvenate the skin.

However, this procedure is not only concerned with rejuvenating the skin, but also with improving the skin conditions found in the healing process of acne, stretch marks, and burns. As it is a natural treatment, the patient will not have intolerance, rejection, or allergies.

As it is a simple treatment, it is performed in consultation and is outpatient. The expert has to clean the area where the treatment will be applied, and then place the topical anesthesia and extract the blood that will be used. Once the blood is obtained, the platelets are obtained and the area is prepared to be introduced. This is done using a technique that is very similar to mesotherapy.

Regarding the sessions, it is recommended 3 sessions with an interval of one month, however, the number of sessions will depend on what the patient needs. To maintain a positive result, it is recommended that the patient have a session every 6 or 12 months. The results will appear gradually as the days go by, and the final result will be seen until a month after the treatment has been applied.

What are the benefits of PRP?

  • Skin rejuvenation: it is the main characteristic of the treatment as it delays the aging process. This treatment regenerates tissues and cells, which is why the skin will look luminous, with fewer expression lines and sagging.
  • Preventive treatment: once the patient sees that he loses collagen or aging begins to be noticed, it is recommended that platelet-rich plasma be applied to prevent the signs.
  • Different uses: one of the advantages is that it has benefits for different areas, for example: on the décolleté, hands, neck, and face, and it can even treat alopecia.
  • Long-lasting treatment: to have a long-term result, it is important that the patient follow all the instructions that the doctor tells them.
  • Eliminates cellulite and stretch marks: this procedure regenerates tissues and cells, and also improves the fibers and tediously damaged skin.
  • The treatment improves the elasticity, firmness, thickness, and quality of the skin. In addition, it eliminates the effect of cellular oxidation and wrinkles.

As it is a treatment that is carried out with the patient’s blood, the contraindications and side effects are minimal. Also, even if it is a simple and outpatient treatment, it must always be performed by an expert on the subject.

Many times, people think that this treatment can be applied by anyone since its risk and side effects are very minimal, but it is not like that, it always has to be applied by a specialist. Which, it will be necessary to have a complete clinical experience and perform blood tests to rule out any disease that the patient may have. Because if there is a pathology, there may be contraindications to using platelet-rich plasma.

People who have a dermatological disease such as severe acne or are in some clinical treatment should be very careful when using PRP, however, the doctor is the one who decides if it is suitable for the treatment or not depending on the results of the evaluation.

Experts comment that platelet-rich plasma treatment is the most natural and healthy since the same blood is drawn from the patient. It can be injected into different parts of the body since it brings with it growth factors and stimulates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin in the skin.

Once the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment have been seen, the side effects are ruled out. Only, you have to be careful with the contraindications that it may present, but the specialist is who comments on it and decides whether or not the patient can undergo the treatment.

What do you think?

Written by Adam Smith

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for online blogs and publications. I specialize in topics like technology, travel and food.


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