
Seed cycle: The holistic technique that promises to end the TPM

Seed cycle The holistic technique that promises to end the TPM
Seed cycle The holistic technique that promises to end the TPM

In an attempt to ‘control’ the pre-menstrual temperament, many are the tricks. We talk here of the most generalized, such as chocolate or frequent practice of physical exercise, but there are less common techniques that present themselves as effective alternatives – or at least so different that it is worth trying (if it does not work, every month there is a new possibility for further testing).

One such case is the Seed Cycle, proposed by holistic health coach Alisa Viti. Holistic medicine is about having an overview of all aspects of the body and treating it as a single organism, and this is what Alisa Viti proposes to do, with the technique that aims to balance and neutralize the hormones.

This cycle then sums up to include, at each stage of the menstrual cycle, the most suitable seed for the organism. Because it is a holistic treatment, many are doctors who do not see it as effective, as well as some studies conducted whose results were not concrete enough, as they do not result in all women.

If you still want to experiment, prepare the dispensing with the necessary seeds that must be organic – for a better nutritional quality – and ground, because only this way guarantees the absorption of its components. Begin on the first day of the period and follow the order proposed by Alisa Viti, it is recalled that the cycle is composed of three phases: the follicular, the ovulatory and the luteal.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, which begins with the period, the body lacks more estrogen to build the uterine walls, so it is advised a daily spoon of flax soup and another of pumpkin seeds, which for being rich in zinc, progesterone production.

In the second half, which starts at the time of ovulation and lasts until the first day of the period, switch to a daily sesame soup spoon and another one of sunflower seeds, which is rich in selenium, which protects the liver.

If it works with your body, it is expected that the hormones will neutralize, for having guaranteed the consumption of what was necessary to your body, but the effects will not be immediate, so test for a few cycles. However, you should do so only after consulting your doctor, as in very specific cases the recommended seed doses may be too high for the body.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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