
Fitness and pregnancy: tips and prohibitions

During the gestation period it is important to know the tips that will allow you to exercise your body without affecting the process.

Pregnancy workout sam wood
Pregnancy workout sam wood

We are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of our health , consuming adequate food, having good habits of life , resting the hours that are necessary and performing sports on a regular basis . Therefore, it is normal that we have integrated a sports routine to our day to day and stay true to it, if we want to obtain and maintain results.

However, there are eventualities in life that make us modify our habits of life , no matter how healthy they may be. Pregnancy may be one of the best news you receive in your life and the arrival of your baby one of the happiest moments. But from the moment you know you are expecting a child it is important that you go to a health professional , since you will have to change some of the habits that you had until now, such as drinking alcohol, eating certain foods or performing according to what kind of sports.

There are many mothers who continue to exercise while still pregnant and many disciplines that you can carry out. However, it is essential that you always perform them with the help of a sports professional and with the consent of your doctor . Remember that not all pregnancies are the same, so there will be movements that you may not be able to do or sports that you should avoid, if you do not want to put your and your baby’s health at risk .

What sports I can do and which ones I can not be pregnant
Since you go into pregnancy it is important that you go to the gynecologist regularly, since the doctor, better than anyone else, can control how your pregnancy progresses and if you can perform the sport you have in mind . In the event that you are having a normal pregnancy, probably the health professional will allow you to make the fit table you want and you can incorporate the fitness to your life, as the safest thing you have done so far.

Many pregnant women want to continue with their fitness routine to not gain many extra kilos during pregnancy, something that often happens to many mothers. In addition, they may be strong followers of a fit life and having to leave it at once would require a lot of effort. However, it is essential that, once they have the validation of the gynecologist who controls their pregnancy to play sports, they are put in the hands of a professional of this discipline to find which one best suits their tastes and needs , in addition to respects your pregnancy and helps you perform the exercises properly.

Thus, some of the fit workouts for most popular gestational women are usually those that perform yoga or swimming exercises , although they can also carry out other fitness techniques that are very fashionable at present , such as adapted crossfit, lifting weights or dancing. Simply, it will be necessary to modify the exercises of all these sports disciplines, as long as the baby can not be damaged or the mother can get hurt.

Therefore, it is essential that training during pregnancy is always under the supervision of a fitness professional. Although, once you have learned the table of exercises, perhaps your coach lets you perform the exercises on your own (provided you have acquired the appropriate technique) it is essential to control the movements as long as you are always doing them correctly and avoiding injuries for neither of you at this important moment in your life.

Playing sports during pregnancy is much better than not doing it. A sedentary pregnancy can lead to health problems over time, so keeping your life fit and active will be the best option to feel fit , lightweight and avoid losing those extra pounds that tend to shape pregnancies.

Practicing the sport of swimming is very beneficial during the gestation period

Practicing the sport of swimming is very beneficial during the gestation period
The first three months of pregnancy are usually the most delicate, since it is when the fetus is still forming and you should take more care of your health to avoid losing the baby. Perhaps during these months, depending on your pregnancy, your doctor recommends you to perform more gentle exercises and you should ask your coach not to over exert, in order to be able to pamper your baby , making that, once arrived at the fourth month and without complications, Now you can perform your fitness routine without problems, even when the pregnancy progresses. You should also bear in mind that, as the months go by, it is normal for your belly to weigh more, your legs are more swollenand have greater difficulty to perform the exercises of the sport you have chosen. Therefore, this will be the time during which your coach must adapt to your pregnancy and, later, when you recover from childbirth you can resume your routine fit.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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