“A frequent mistake of people is to believe that I do millions and millions for the work I did. Nothing can be closer to reality. ”
Thus, the former porn star Mia Khalifa comments on her current situation, after leaving the industry, on her Instagram account, where she reveals that “in fact, I made around 12 thousand dollars and never saw a penny more.
The former XXX actress who was born in Beirut, Lebanon, added that it has been “virtually impossible for me to lead a normal life with an office job. I’ve been trying to force normalcy for two years , but I decided to change my narrative and move to Austin to start over. ”
The words of Mia, who was one of the best known names in the industry despite being only three months recording videos in 2014, emerged after an interview in which she talked about her current moment away from porn, although it remains one of the most wanted people on porn pages, according to Vice.
” To make it clear, they never promised me millions, nor did I expect it, ” she said in conversation with Megan Abbott, but stressed that his intention is to “clear up the confusion about me and the industry.”
Khalifa adds that ” I was involved in porn for a very short time (3 months), but my actions extended like a fire and I continue to rank in the top 5, even after I left the industry.”
For, she is the reason why she thinks people think she is still working as a porn actress.
In addition, she felt that getting out of there was “scary”, since she didn’t know very well what she was going to do . She even said that she was offered, after giving up, to keep the link to her porn site and that she would be paid for it, which she rejected.
Situation that clarified when she decided to work as a sports presenter in the stadiums , where she hopes to continue working. “I definitely want to make my career grow,” she said.
In the conversation, she also recalled the most difficult moment of his fleeting step in pornography , which she arrived after moving to Miami and graduating from a degree in History at the University of El Paso, Texas.
” The point of no return, of course, was the scene with the hijab, ” she says in reference to a video where he has sex with the Islamic veil on, which led him from criticism of death threats by the terrorist group ISIS.
“ That was the moment when the death threats from ISIS arrivedand all the news explode worldwide, not only in the United States. It was a trend on Twitter and was covered by many means. I was banned from various countries, Egypt, Afghanistan, many Muslim countries were very offended. And I am Catholic! ”
Along the same lines, she added that “for me it was not ‘oh yes, this is wrong’. What I really said when they proposed the scene to me, and this is real, was: ‘damn bastards, they’ll make me get killed.’ ”
“The day after the scene everything shot up. I went from 400 followers on Instagram to 200,000 in three days and from there everything continued like a snowball until I reached 2 million in 6 months, ”he said. Today it has more than 16 million followers.
The most curious thing, she says, is that all this happened “when I had already left porn. Everything kept growing and growing until my Instagram account was hacked by ISIS.”
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