
How much does the Mexican Yanet García earn in OnlyFans?

Currently, Yanet García has around 5 thousand subscribers in her OnlyFans account

Yanet Garcia
Yanet Garcia

In April 2021, the Monterrey model Yanet García provoked all kinds of reactions when she opened her OnlyFans account. A little over a year after her start on the platform, we tell you how much money this Mexican earns through the controversial page. 

Yanet García’s popularity grew after being “the weather girl” on Televisa’s Hoy program. Later, the Monterrey native became a host on Univisión, but her image went viral after a video by Youtuber “Ozzy Man”. 

The video caused a lot of negative reviews, but as of today, it has more than 48 million views. And although Yanet García was already known for her work as a host, her presence on social networks increased from the viral video. 

Yanet Garcia on OnlyFans

How much does the Mexican Yanet García earn in OnlyFans?

The model introduces herself on her account as “the Mexican weather girl” and shares photos of her in lingerie. To access the content, OnlyFans users must pay $20 per month, that is, just over 400 Mexican pesos. 

During its first week, about 2,000 people subscribed to García’s channel, thus earning around 40,000 dollars, which is equivalent to more than 800,000 pesos. After a year on the platform, the Mexican model has around 5 thousand subscribers. This means that Yanet García earns more than 2 million pesos a month in OnlyFans

How much does the Mexican Yanet García earn in OnlyFans?

Finally and to size about what this amount means; The president of Mexico earns almost the same amount a year as Yanet García generates each month. 

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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