
Learn how to set up a home office at a low cost

Check out essential tips for assembly and see inspiring photos!

aprenda a montar um escritorio em casa gastando pouco 27052021213145293
aprenda a montar um escritorio em casa gastando pouco 27052021213145293

Just over a year ago, the term “home office” became one of the most talked about due to the new work model adopted during the pandemic. In order to curb contagion, most companies opted for remote functions, letting each employee work at home. 

This practice is extremely important in the fulfillment of social isolation, however, it requires some adaptations in the environment. After all, you need a location, whatever it may be, to maintain your equipment. 

Contrary to what many people think, it is not necessary to dedicate an entire room to the office, mainly because some families need to avoid the lack of space in the residence, and not to spend a lot. 

To help you in this endeavor, we have separated some golden tips to set up your home office with little expense . Check out!

Tables and chairs are essential

There are some items present in the office that, although they are useful, we can work without them at home. However, this theory does not apply to tables and chairs. It is essential to have support for the computer, papers or books, for example. And to get that first piece of furniture, there are two options: adapt or buy.

It is super valid to reuse what we already have, because, in addition to assigning a new function to the piece, we will be saving the budget. Thus, it is worth thinking about desks, dressers, shelves, among other objects capable of meeting this need. Sometimes, that unused table can play this role very well! 

When there is really nothing that can be reused, it’s time to spend money. But, calm down, the money can be low, see? As already mentioned, shelves can be a good option for this project: cheaper, they will provide the necessary support. However, if you prefer traditional tables, there are simpler options starting at R $ 170.00 in online stores, for example. 

Ensuring the basis of your writing, we come to the second main point of this montage: the chair! Finding a seat is more complex than you think, because wrong choices can trigger serious back pain and posture problems. Therefore, if there is no comfortable chair or armchair available, it is possible to think about making this investment. There are basic, but correct options for the column, for less than R $ 200.00 on the internet! 


Being at home should not be synonymous with sloppiness or disorganization! Keep maintaining your office habits and always try to keep your belongings and the environment organized. 

To assist in this practice, we can count on some cheap and functional objects, such as plastic chests, paper boxes, cups or mugs to use as a pencil holder (free of charge and very decorative!) and invest in panels to attach important notices, calendars etc. 

The decoration does not need to be left out

Improvisation does not mean ugly, so decorating the space is a good choice so that work flows better and everything is more cozy. Having a beautiful place, even, will bring encouragement when carrying out your tasks. And, again, there is no need to tamper with the budget for this. 

Do you know those photos with the family? A picture frame under the table or a picture on the wall will give a different touch. Another option is to bring plants to the environment, because, in addition to coloring it, they will bring energy to the space. Finally, choose other useful objects to add charm to your home office, such as a clock, aromatic candles, lamp, rugs, books, among others. 

Get inspired!

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Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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