- Control. As much as you would like your partner to spend all their time with you, he simply cannot do this. Everyone should have their own life. Each person is a separate person, and this must be understood and accepted. You don’t need to dictate to your partner how to live, with whom to communicate, what hobbies to get involved in and how to spend money.
- Aggression. In principle, it cannot be in a relationship. Even the slightest signs of aggression on the part of a partner are a wake-up call and a sign that you need to run without looking back. Otherwise, the same aggression will become stronger every time, which can end very badly.
- Doubts in a partner. Any relationship is based on trust. If you do not trust your partner, especially when he does not give any reason for this, there can be no question of a harmonious union. You will be jealous, scandalous and swearing out of the blue, which is definitely incompatible with a normal, healthy relationship.
- Blackmail. “Do it to prove that you love me”, “well, you can bear with me for my sake,” and everything in this spirit – clinical cases that are practically not cured. If a person behaves in this way, it only means that in the relationship he pursues selfish goals, and there are no feelings. Of course, from time to time you need to give in – without this, nowhere. However, constant concessions will only lead to the fact that you become a puppet.
- Criticism. It can relate to both appearance and character traits, behavior. Partners should support each other, not help self-esteem break through the next bottom. If your partner is constantly criticizing, he is a typical energy vampire and abuser.
- Another point is the devaluation of merit. If you go out of your way for the sake of a relationship, and your partner takes it for granted, then it will be so. The same applies to lies: there is no place for it in a harmonious union. Life next to a person who cannot be trusted cannot be calm and happy.
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