
VIRAL VIDEO: Man trusts himself and ends up falling into a huge puddle

In the first seconds of the recording we can see a man who is in the field, and tries to cross a puddle.

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LONDON. – Thousands of Internet users have been sharing in recent days , the funny video of a man who is carried away by appearances, paying great consequences for it.

There is no doubt that many things are not what they appear, and the protagonist of the footage presented below had to learn it the hard way, although it did not happen to adults.


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In the first seconds of the recording we can see a man who is in the field, and tries to cross a puddle that at first glance does not seem to be very deep.

In order to cross, the man decides to take off his sandals, just when he takes a long step forward, he falls and disappears completely, generating the laughter of his friends.

A few seconds later we see how the man manages to stick his head out, while he is completely full of mud , and of course, without the cap he was wearing.

In the description of the video we can read “My man collapsed into another dimension, in addition to another description in which they wrote At least he took off his sandals.

What do you think?

Written by Leena Wadia

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 9 years.


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