‘The Batman’ is one of the most anticipated films of the Extended Universe of DC and also one of the most we will have to wait to see in theaters. The current state is still very premature, but its director, Matt Reeves, begins to give small details, although we still do not know one of the most important: if Ben Affleck will remain Batman.
“It’s a Batman story, focused on the point of view, I want it to be an emotional story, but also an emotional one, we’ll see more of Batman acting as a detective than in the rest of the movies, he has a lot of weight in the comics. He is the best detective in the world and he has not been part of the movies until now, I would love to travel that Batman trip locating the criminals and trying to solve a crime, it allows the character to have a bow and go through a transformation “, revealed director.
Reeves also confirmed that the title of ‘The Batman’ is provisional and that they still have to think about the final one. It has offered an update on where the film is located. “The Batman villain gallery will be in. The casting process will begin shortly, we’re starting to put the combat plan on its feet, I’m giving the script another pass and we’ll start with the long readings to start developing the concepts.”
Approximate release date
‘The Batman’ still has no date, but Reeves has a rough idea of when it could be released. “We have not put a date yet, I can not commit to anything, but we are thinking that the film would probably be for 2021, late spring or summer, Warner Bros. is giving us a lot of support, they have given me a lot of time and they share the same passion as I for history, “said the director.
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