
Former porn actress Mia Khalifa maddened all her followers on Instagram by revealing a picture of how she looked before becoming a star

Former porn actress Mia Khalifa maddened all her followers on Instagram by revealing a picture of how she looked before becoming a star
Former porn actress Mia Khalifa maddened all her followers on Instagram by revealing a picture of how she looked before becoming a star

Mia of 25 years, caused a furor in social networks by sharing an image where it looks something different, in the publication you can see the former porn actress being overweight, although it has always been big bust as you can see in the picture.

It is worth mentioning that since 2015, he announced that he was withdrawing from the pornography industry, to devote himself to other activities and start new projects in his life.

Although lately in her social account Mia Khalifa, she lights the temperature of her fans, with so provocative photographs that she shares with her sculptural figure, she has sometimes published photos with very sexy lingerie or bikinis, or even with no clothes.

In the publication I made in his social account, he posted the following:

Life is about balance. For me, it’s balancing my passion and my love for food with my health. People ask me how I can eat so much and stay thin, it has not always been that way. They are five days of hard work in the gym to be able to go after culinary excursion free of guilt. The point is, I work hard and eat carbohydrates.

The photograph has more than a million likes and diverse messages from his followers where they admire the physical change he made and how he has managed to have that spectacular figure.

We remember that the beautiful Mia Khalifa, began her career as a porn actress during 2014 with only 21 years of age, immediately his sculptural figure surprised all users achieving fame, managing to outdo other actresses despite having already had years in the pornographic industry.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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