
13 pictures of Mia Khalifa from the beginning to retirement The most exciting woman in the world

Mia Khalifa through an interview revealed the reasons that led her to make erotic films, although after an unexpected moment she feared for her life and decided to abandon erotic films.

mia khalifa
mia khalifa

Mia Khalifa, since she decided to venture into erotic movies, had very unpleasant moments, as she revealed that she received death threats after having made a porn video wearing an Islamic hijab. Mia Khalifa had a very short span of career in the adult file industry as a porn star

Has Mia Khalifa Retired ?

Mia Khalifa's huge charm gets exposed in micro top
Mia Khalifa’s huge charm gets exposed in micro top
Instagram will load in the frontend.
Instagram will load in the frontend.

It is worth mentioning that the beautiful woman rose to fame in porn movies for her charms, although due to the great controversy that she caused for wearing the scarf that Muslim women have to wear, she preferred to stop making those videos for the year 2014.

What was Mia Khalifa’s retirement plan?

Despite the controversy that the model caused, she decided to absent herself from social networks for some time and resume her image to carry out some projects, even knowing that she would always be remembered as a porn actress.


And it is that, in her personal Instagram account , Mia Khalifa has added  millions followers, who enjoy appreciating the beauty of the sensual former actress of erotic films in photos and videos; His massive forward attributes have impressed his loyal fans.

During an interview, the model broke the silence and confessed that one of the things that she struggled with during her life was being overweight, because she did not like her physique, so in college she began to lose sizes to look better, she even had surgery on her bust .

Mia Khalifa Pregnant
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“My biggest insecurity was the breasts. And once I did it started to attract the attention of men and I never got used to it.”

The famous revealed that a boy approached her to offer her a modeling job, she accepted with deception, because that person mentioned that she had a good body to be a model. Former porn actress Mía Khalifa mentioned that when she arrived at the studio located in Miami Florida, everything seemed to be a respectable place.

“The first time I came in was not the first time I filmed a porn movie. It was the second time. The first time it was more than signing the paperwork.”

Former porn actress Mia Khalifa maddened all her followers on Instagram by revealing a picture of how she looked before becoming a star

During an interview on a television program, the model mentioned that she made decisions without assuming the consequences after having been a porn actress, because when her family found out what she was doing they rejected her.

Did Mia Khalifa retire? Yes

The model also commented that the controversial video she made, had some insecurity, was nervous and at the same time scared by what she was going to do in that erotic video. After that video was revealed, Khalifa began to receive threats.

With information from the BBC.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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Mia Khalifas huge charm gets exposed in micro top

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