
Philip Baker Hall, Seinfeld and Ghostbusters 2 actor, dies at 90

This morning the world of entertainment has suffered a huge loss: Philip Baker Hall, actor of Seinfeld, Ghostbusters 2 and A couple explosives, died at the age of 90 at his home in Los Angeles, California.

Philip Baker Hall Seinfeld and Ghostbusters 2 actor dies at 90
Philip Baker Hall Seinfeld and Ghostbusters 2 actor dies at 90

A death has occurred in Hollywood that has taken place at the age 90 of one of the most seasoned performers in the industry. This is Philip Baker Hall, who gained notoriety for his participation in several film and television projects that had a significant impact on the industry, including Seinfeld, Ghostbusters 2, and An Explosive Couple, among others.

Sam Farmer, his friend, and neighbor who also worked as a writer for the Los Angeles Times, claims that Philip Baker Hall died away in the comfort of his own home with his family nearby.

“Philip Baker Hall, who was also my neighbor and friend, was one of the most creative, kind, and insightful persons I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, and he passed away quietly yesterday night. He was around by people he cared about. A void exists somewhere in the globe “he said on his Twitter account.

One of his most famous roles was in the television comedy series Seinfeld, in which he played the character, Lieutenant Bookman. In this role, Lieutenant Bookman was Jerry Seinfeld’s tormentor since he had not returned a book on time and in good condition since 1971. On the other side, he had two nominations for SAG awards, one of which was for his work on the critically acclaimed picture Magnolia, which was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.

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Written by Rachita Salian


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