This internet sub-world known as Reddit, where it is possible to find fans of almost anything, has been the scene of one of the most geeky and funny anecdotes of recent months. Of course, the joke only makes sense to those who have seen the movie Avengers: Infinity War.
If not, it is better to stop reading at this point. The protagonists of the event are the members of the r / thanosdidnothingwrong community, Marvel fans who believe that Thanos did nothing wrong. As all those who have seen the aforementioned film know, Thanos took the six Gems of the Infinite and, in his megalomaniac yearnings, with a simple click, he eliminated half of the living beings in the universe to reestablish balance in it. As faithful followers of the crazy titan and his philosophy, the moderators of this community decided that the logical thing to do was to purge and eliminate half of the members of the group in a random way.
The idea became so popular in the networks that the very Josh Brolin, who gives life to Thanos on the big screen, recorded a short video snapping fingers for Reddit users. “Here we go, Reddit users,” says the actor in the video uploaded by Joe Russo, co-director, along with his brother, Infinity War.
The purge took place on Monday, July 9, at 11:00 pm, Eastern Time in the United States, at which time the number of members of this group increased from 710,000 to 350,000, at least in theory. The purge was retransmitted by Reddit through Twitch. This great purge, the largest ever held in this popular forum, had the support of the administrators of Reddit, who gave the green light to the game. “The purge concluded, this subreddit is now perfectly balanced, as all things should be, our Savior Thanos would be proud,” one of the moderators published.
However, he added under another message: “I know that the number of subscribers that is shown is more than half, but that is because most people who were banned have not canceled their subscription, just as they were asked.”
In addition, given the popularity of the group, the number of users has grown rapidly again and already has more than 600,000 subscribers.
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