
How to maintain the love of a couple

Here you will find some tips on how to maintain a couple’s love or rekindle it and avoid it disappearing.

Spend time with yu
Spend time with yu

Some people enter into a relationship with the illusion that they found their soulmate and hope to keep the love of a couple forever. However, after some years, that feeling of love in some couples tends to disappear. The monotony of daily life is established, and things begin to change. It is often at this point that couples consider separating.

But how to maintain a couple’s love or how to bring it back? Here you will find some tips on how to maintain a couple’s love or rekindle it and avoid it disappearing.

1. Both should feel special

Everyone has a different way of giving and receiving love. Find out what makes your partner feel loved, and do those things. Investing time in making others feel loved, cared for and special has great results.

The number of ways to express love within a language of love is limited only by the imagination. The important thing is to speak the language of your partner’s love. Once you identify and learn what makes your partner feel good and she and you, they will have discovered the key to maintaining a couple’s love.

Some examples of how your partner and you can feel special are: listen with patience and attention to what your partner tells you, flatter their virtues, never get tired of telling them to love them, give small but meaningful details to both, share time together , etc.

2. Fight fairly

A fight is not necessarily a bad thing when it is done well, when it is fair. Do not let the arguments become a match to blame. Be humble and admit when you have been wrong. To maintain love as a couple you also have to know when to end the discussion and reach a compromise. It is not about who wins or loses. There is no merit in winning some arguments if you finally lose your relationship.

3. Look at each other

Take the time to really look at your partner and contemplate their eyes. Studies have suggested that when couples make extended and uninterrupted eye contact (for at least two minutes), they feel closer and experience a greater connection with each other.

4. Sorry

To maintain the love of a couple you should not hold a grudge. Not only will it make you feel worse, it will also start to make a dent in your relationship. Learn to let things go so they can love each other with their whole being.

When you know how to forgive, you eliminate the mental and emotional excess weight that keeps you stuck in repetitive situations, circumstances and experiences that are not healthy or productive. The only true way to create a more loving, productive and satisfying life is to forgive the past. Releasing the past restores us to the total energy of the present.

What do you think?

Written by Geekybar

Linguist-translator by education. I have been working in the field of advertising journalism for over 10 years.

For over 7 years in journalism. Half of them are as editor. My weakness is doing mini-investigations on new topics.


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